Cmdr Veladarius
Trader / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Imperial Cutter DAOKO
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Logbook entry

Hauling large amounts of cargo but not with the usual ship.

04 Jun 2020Veladarius
So I move a lot of cargo and is how I make most of my credits. I don't do the usual 'buy here and sell there' but look for Source and Return missions and some Cargo Delivery missions as well. Often this means I will have ships sent against me, especially the Elite level missions but that is where the money is at but I have found the Type 9 to be nothing but a tin shed and needed something faster, more maneuverable, durable and well armed. In the end I went with an Imperial Cutter.

Its core internals have been fully upgraded and engineered. For the optional items I have a 6A shield generator, 3B field maintenance unit and a size 5 hull reinforcement and shield cell bank in the two military compartments. This leaves space for enough cargo racks to give a capacity of 720 T (2 size 8's, 2 size 6's, 2 size 5's and a size 4). If I drop the shield generator and maintenance unit I can get just over 790t of cargo.

Top speed is 267 m/s and with boost it gets to 427 m/s. Jump range is just under 26LY empty and 19LY full and has enough fuel capacity for 5 full distance jumps (though 2 is typically the most I need to do).

Is this cheap? No, cost comes in at 720m cr with a rebuy cost of 27m cr but I have only had to rebuy it twice (both due to my mistakes). With a good set of missions I can make the rebuy cost in one or two trips and have made 150m cr in a few hours without having to go more than 2 jumps away fully loaded.

No more tin sheds for me.
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