Logbook entry

Long Distance Traders

19 Nov 2019Junagu
I've been dealing with a lot of database problems lately, trying to get a download of exploration data that I thought might help me navigate the journey ahead. I think I'm going to use my own flight log in the end. I've been along this route a few times now and have done a few forays into some of the areas either side the highway. It was more to be able to share with other CMDRs in the convoy anyway and since I'm following a bit of a wayward path then my own records should suffice. However I've spent a lot of time in this dock already, watching the ships coming in and going out again. It's pretty peaceful here though - a very out of the way station, right on the edge of The Bubble and this station makes up for in easy-going pragmatism what it lacks in flashy tech. I've noticed that most of the planetside stations in this system are Federation, so it's lucky that the independent factions seem to be far more popular and run the main space stations.

I'm glad I got here early. I've already done a few trips for some of the peripherally useful things, like having the mats to synthesise heatsinks and chaff, having enough for limpets and life support. This could be quite a challenging trip ahead. But I think it's worth it, especially in the wider scheme of things. And the cargo might allow consolidation of operations in the Colonia region and is certain to be welcome. I'm really looking forward to getting back there. Being back in the Orion Spur has not filled me with the greatest hope in humanity; things are very much as they were. A lot of very atavistic behaviour.

I've got to get my head around this being an exploration trip as well - though I know the main highway well enough now, there are going to be some significant digressions and detours, regions I've never been to at all.
I've been concurrently getting my entertainments together. I look forward to being safe in some obscure system so that I'll be able to kick back a bit and chill out from the last couple of months slog.

So, watching the starport hanger I've seen a couple of other ships from the fleet arrive the last 24hrs. There's hopefully time enough to bump into them at one of the places here and get some rapport going, maybe agree a couple of meetings and strategies. Just shy of two weeks to go. First stop is Sadr.

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