Logbook entry

CCC4 - OH-Boat Arkholme Verse nears the end.

19 Dec 2019Junagu
I really love it when things go smooth. I landed Arkholme Verse, my Python loaded with near on 100t of Onion Head, at Vihara Gate in Kashyapa a couple of days ago. This is a port I'm familiar with, already allied with, in fact. I got the usual welcome and then went to see a couple of friends in the 5th quadrant of the station. They are understandably keen to have me part with a few tons of cargo here, though I'm waiting on some communications from them about a possible deal and in the meantime I'm taking it easy whilst I figure out exactly which way I'm going to take to Colonia.

This has been a most benign trip, absolutely no problems at all. I've not seen a soul except for the couple of mass jumps I did with the rest of the convoy earlier in the expedition. This Python can certainly maintain a good pace and I've outrun most of the rest of the convoy for the time being. Though I've not laboured the FSS too much on this trip I've still picked up the odd system that was full of goodies and also found one or two systems that have a certain something about them. Nevertheless, I've tended to keep the pace pretty quick and burned through a lot of the designated waypoints organised by the convoy leaders. I took breaks on moons and planets that had some good topographic features and filled my banks with plenty of materials using my SRV when taking breaks from being in the void; a tedious chore, usually. It can be really nice just to watch the galaxy spin from a solid body every now and again and time spent attached is also when I tend to do a fair bit of calibration and systems checks, the odd repair and so on. It's good to get to really know a ship over a long stretch and this one I'm most pleased with. Furthermore I've been sampling a little bit of the cargo - complimentary portions of course - whilst far away from any trouble. Those bods from the East India Company at Harvestport really know their onions, no mistake, and I get a little extra special treatment from them because of the links with the Silverbacks. I've brought with me a bit of each strain, so taking time out to compare and contrast is a much welcome indulgence.

I'm glad I have other reasons for being here other than delivering festive goods, though. Once I hit Caravanserai spaceport in Gandharvi I shelled out a substantial sum to have 5 ships moved out there. This is long term planning. I've no idea when I'm going to be in that station again but I reckon it'll be much to my advantage to have some of my ships out there. I spent a lot of time and energy, not to mention credits, building up a fleet based out of Arexe and I've moved up a few small, short ranged vessels as well as some heavy duty cruisers to that mid-point on the Colonia Highway. And there's also my specially made long distance Krait MkII, Wards Stone, which I'm going to bring up all the way to Colonia. I'm not exactly sure where I'm heading to but it will be out into remote places and for a long stretch.

So, in the meantime I'm hanging out at Vihara Gate and socialising with some of the OH fraternity here. This cargo certainly makes me a popular figure, though I've got Arkholme Verse, with it's distinctive livery, hidden away in the lower shipyard decks so as not to attract too much attention. A lot of pirates rely on messages being sent down the line and the solitary nature of these remote outposts means that traffic bottlenecks and tip-offs are much easier to trace. But I'm pretty sure my good standing with folks in this system means that they've got my back, and I'm experienced enough to know how to slip about, so I'm not too worried. Also I did a fair amount of stress testing in this boat before leaving the Bubble and I know it gives me a good chance of making it through.

OH-Boat Arkholme Verse out on the Colonia Highway
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