Logbook entry

First Stop - Barnard's Loop and the Running Man

15 Jun 2020Junagu
I've been parked on a 2G gravity moon (HR 1891 AB2) in the company of some anemones spending time taking a well needed breather and looking ahead - it's only now I'm getting chance to get into the nitty gritty detail. Though I had a rough idea of the journey I still hadn't done the calculations for fuel. Well, I needn't have worried, we have plenty, almost enough to get us into Xebalba. I'm not sure what The Presence has in mind for after BD+50 886 but we should get there with at least 8000t of Tritium left in the hold. After that we could easily make DSSA#82 at Hyueths HS-H d11-5, for instance. So that seals the deal - there's no need to head back to pick up extra fuel. I was getting worried that if we had to head back to the Plaedies that some crew would get cold feet and be tempted to jump back into the Bubble. I think that spending this time here doing the graft of detailed work is to make sure that I can reassure the crew. I think everyone is a bit beat from life at the coal-face so it'll do us all good to be able to have a long break from it, apart from maybe the odd experiment and keeping our eye in. Shouldn't get lazy.
But this gives us an opportunity for a good change of pace, a lot more work with the FSS, but generally a good chance to kick back and have a look around.

I've also been sifting through the comms channels that have sprung up in the wake of Brewer Corporation releasing the Carriers, trying to trace names and locations out of thousands of new ships. Have gleaned a few links but also turned up some blanks; almost inevitable with these sorts of numbers and distances that the data starts to fragment. I've managed to trace some of the DSSA ships and their CMDRs so that I can prepare the way a bit and also see what scope there is for refuelling and maybe even taking on crew. Signs are good and I get the impression that there are already miners gathering around the DSSA vessels in support of creating a viable marketplace built up from mining Tritium and so on.
Speaking to one of DSSA CMDRs they even mentioned that the plan is to get a fully functioning government running with Carrier Admirals serving as a form of roundtable Congress that will shape policy and economy in the Rift. Mining/Tritium will be the first economy to materialize, as the main carrier is going to remain static as a hub for new carriers as they settle in or pass through; opening up options for a "bounty board," research wings, passage and transit back to bubble or Colonia and so on.
I have a feeling that this adventure is going to take quite a few twists and turns.
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