Logbook entry

A quick breather

16 Jun 2020Junagu
I've taken the old Krait Mk2 "Wards Stone" for a quick run around the block, as it were, heading into the centre of the Trapeze and then a few systems round and abouts. I didn't come across much of interest until I headed back to Running Man. I found a Gas Giant with shepherd moons in Amo and then on Godthab's suggestion headed to Oort for the LaGrange Clouds. A couple of other FCs have jumped into the system and I'm expecting one captained by CMDR Valorin from the Travellers Association to arrive any day now. I can see why this has a Tourist station here; there's a lot to see. A lot of strangely named systems too. "* tet02 Orionis C"? No that's not a typographic error. And "The Veil" - nothing much interesting in there though unfortunately, that I could see.

I've found a few biological sites and landed to collect some materials - at the moment I'm short of a few of the ingredients for Jump boosting and was glad to start the refill. The last time this was an issue was DW2 approaching The Abyss but by the time I arrived there I'd filled up plenty without even trying much, just as a concequence of landing for a breather every now and then and taking a look around in the SRV.

I've done a bit of housekeeping on the carrier; changed a few of the loadouts on the mining vessels now that warding off pirates is going to become a distant memory, and put in some buy orders for various minerals so that the crew can make a bit of scratch from whatever they pick up whilst out and about.

The Remlok controls refit I did last month has still to settle down - still a lot of tweaks to do and I'll probably sound like a broken record with this any day now. I think I've got the FSS and DSS configured right now, but in combat situations (I took my Phantom out to the HazRes here briefly) it's all over the place and I'm missing my old config badly. Landings are the same. I used to be able to glide in faultlessly in FAOff but not so now. A bit embarrassing in front of the crew slamming into the deck of my own FC.

The next jump takes us to Outotz ST-I d9-4 "Gnosis' Fate And Hydra's Coming" which is a bit ominous.

Haven't seen much of the other CMDRs since we dropped anchor here but then this ship is massive. Think I'm going to take a bit of time to see what the crew are doing with the ents around here - I forgot to set up the "canteen", nor officers mess; never more aptly named.
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