Logbook entry

Crystal Shards ate my hamster!

19 Jun 2020Junagu
Day 6 - HIP 36601

Well, we are not alone! It seems like everyone and their mother is out here at these crystal shard sites. 34 carriers were already in system when we jumped into HIP 36601 and the systems comms channel was all a-buzz. Looking at the GalMap activity it looked like there had been a few ships lost in the system recently. Probably accidents, but who knows. CMDR Robyobson has taken the scenic route to Flaming Star Logistics, as I think he's already done his stint at the crystal-shard-coal-face. I had to fill up my tanks but I only got about half way; it's possibly one of the most irritating tasks I've had to perform in an SRV. But I got a good stock of the jump essentials, so I'm happy. CMDR Godthab has also been out and about filling his boots.

I think my fellow CMDRs expected us to be moving a lot faster than this and indeed I've had enough of lingering around the fringes of the bubble. So, tomorrow we pick up the pace considerably. It's two jumps to Flaming Star and I don't think we'll stay there long, maybe even just a couple of hours, before starting the journey to Gorgon Research. There there's a few interesting things to see, so we'll likely stop there a day or two and take some metrics on the fuel use and recalibrate if need be, and then it's on to the Heart and Soul. That's the end of the well trodden path. I think that leg of the journey I want to try and get in to some Tritium refueling, even just a little, so that we can see how we manage a pit stop.

There's not much else to report - the crew seem contented and active and everything is chugging along ok.
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