Logbook entry


03 Jul 2020Junagu
Blodeuwedds Branch left the Heart and Soul and arrived at the notorious, abandoned megaship, Zurara, in short order. The place was packed with Fleet Carriers; one of them a DSSA ship. I took The Medicine Cabinet out (which has been my ship of choice for all light duties, so far)  to make reconnoitre and get some intel. None of them had much going on with them; no markets and no shipyards or outfitting. I got their names and ID and their captains signature, tracked down a couple on some comms channels too. That system is certain to become a hub for activity - the gateway to the Rift, as it were.
Blodeuwedds Branch joined the throng for a few hours:

I then investigated the dead megaship; weirdly appearing to be still functional. The scan of the logs.... well, you probably know the story by now, this is no longer a secret. In fact, it's a tourist attraction, almost. So, the quarry has long flown the nest. It was enough. I got the Adder's FSD toasting again and jumped well out of light's reach of that place. A quick scout revealed a Tritium source nearby, so we jumped Blodeuwedds Branch nearby to start refuelling, but then, a bit of intel came through (from one of the Captains nearby), of a rich source of Tritium a bit further out. On jumping there and confirming the source, we started mining in earnest.

A couple of days in, thanks to the sterling efforts of CMDR Robyobson and CMDR Godthab, we'd refilled the tanks. And then got word of The Presence's moves. Not too surprising that we got short wind of the task, but no matter; we jumped down there anyway to see what was going on and by the time we arrived it was all done and dusted. No joy.

And so that leaves us with the big decision to make: where next?
My instinct so far has been to head down to Xibalba, passing through Kepler's Crest. That's a good 30,000, maybe 40,000Lyrs to travel.
One of the little tidbits of information that I've gleaned from combing the chatter on the comms channels has been that there is a concerted effort emerging to try and establish an independent economy out in the wilds. I requested a download, from the central agency, of the current approximations of the newly minted fleet carrier population out on the Outer Arm and got this picture:

I pitched the idea to the crew in pow-wow format and they are on-board with the notion of heading trailing to the end of the Outer Arm and having a go at the crossing of the Perseus Fades.

There's a long arc to persue.
Looks like:

The last few days have been stationary, doing some mining, filling up the tanks; the crew have made good progress and I think we've got our chops down for the Tritium mining pitstops. So, time to head on.
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