Logbook entry

Outward trajectories and finding crew.

25 Dec 2021Junagu

Seem to be trapped in a loop of chaos and killing. Trapped a lot longer than anticipated; I want to get out of here.

Upgraded loads of suits and weapons, now. Accumulated a good cache of components and data and have to make one last pass around some suit and personal weapons engineers. Shouldn't have to do anything again for a long while.

Will probably do a Tritium and OH run into the Core. Need to fill up the last few tons of space on the carrier and make one last visit to the carrier administration facility. Seems a shame to have the carrier empty on the way, so need to advertise for passengers, as the journey into the core is going to take a lot of effort, I feel.

New HUD/cockpit system installed, taking the time to customise each ship.
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