Logbook entry

Promotion to the Patreus Imperial Court

05 Oct 2019Ravos Longknife
<<<incoming media transmission>>>

....Encrypted: Level III......

....Imperial High Command: Eyes of CMDR Longknife....

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>>05 October, 3305. 0700 GMT.
>>Adams Market, Eotienses
>>>>Office of Senator Patreus


The Minister of the Navy has reposed special trust and confidence in the Patriotism, Valor, Fidelity and professional excellence of Ser Ravos Longknife, an anointed Knight in the Imperial Naval Service. In view of these qualities and his demonstrated leadership potential and dedicated service to the Imperial Navy, he is, hereby, promoted to the rank of LORD, and appointed as such to the Imperial Court along with all privileges, honors and titles that accompany this appointment.

**//**//**//**Witnessed this Fifth day of October, In the Imperial Star Year 3305**\\**\\**\\**
**//**//**//**//**//**//**//**Signed and approved by,**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**\\**

Denton Patreus
Imperial Senator, Commanding





>>05 October, 3305. 0425 Local.
>>Tavares Point, Elysia
>>>>INV-Intrepid-II [INT-72]

<initializing vid process>


....<recording: Begin entry>....

[Slowly sips on a cup of caff]

Either someone heard my bitching, someone is trying to shut me up, or someone actually got me promoted based of my....[makes quotation gesture] "Achievements".

[silence, thinking hard]

I just....how the fuck did someone actually find me worthy of a promotion...let alone an APPOINTMENT TO THE FUCKING IMPERIAL COURT...

Like...Imperial Court as in...I'm considered nobility now...low class nobility, but still nobility. Its weird.

[sighs and looks up at the overhead]

I guess I can't really complain anymore, ha! This whole promotion thing got me a (almost) free Vulture, that I was allowed to name and christen.

[slight pause of silence]

....growing up, my father told me about this place on Old Earth, a place called Dover. It was a small military air base on a continent in the northern hemisphere, at first glance didn't seem very special, but as I grew up, I learned more and more just how special this little place was. Apparently, the superpower that controlled the continent the "United States" used this unsuspecting air base as a processing port for members of its military forces who had fallen in battle. They had special teams dedicated to preparing the warriors body for viewing by removing as much of the battle from their skin as possible, and by putting them in their best dress uniform, perfect down to every square detail. All before finally sending them home to their family and eventually their final rest, which apparently in those times, was beneath the dirt. I grew up to admire the men and women of this little military base and their dedication to service and to honor and dignity...

[tears falling from cheeks]

Whenever I find myself lacking confidence or passion for my service...sometimes I just need to retell this story, even if no one is listening. So there.

[walks away from camera towards the bridge]

I guess that's all the time I have for that, time to get to work. Computer, plot course for CD-65 163, request departure clear~ [voice trails off as systems begin to spin up]

[bridge bulkhead closes and seals]

<recording ended: no input>


....<saved: g:\core/INV/VULTURE/systems/media/personal_logs/vid/05oct3305_Promo.mp9>....
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