Logbook entry

The Brestla Run

06 Oct 2019Ravos Longknife

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>>06 October, 3305. 0248 Local.
>>Tavares Point, Elysia
>>>>INV-Kite [KIT-71]

Hey Trevor,

So turns out this new gig as a "Lord" is actually pretty sweet, and it comes with a pretty hefty salary on top of my bond and mission wages! Anyway, I just wanted to shoot you a quick message letting you know I'm back from Brestla, and if you're available, could you come take a look at this new boat I brought back with me? Its an Alliance Challenger. I need it outfitted for heavy combat and some boosts to the hull and shields. You know me man, you're the only person I trust with my shit. I'll be at the apartment if you need me, I still can't get used to that stuffy condo they put me in after this last promotion. Anyway, the "Kite" is sitting in the dockyard by LP-18. Thanks Trev!


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>>06 October, 3305. 0302 Local
>>Tavares Point, Elysia
>>>>Longknife Residence

[taking off jacket and ship suit]

Ahhh! Finally a chance to fucking BREATHE!!!!


I'm so glad to be home man, [sits on couch] the past few weeks have been nothing but work and hustle. For example, I just got home from a run to Brestla, dropping off some info. While I was there I saw a shiny new Lakon Alliance Challenger at the {i Sola Project} planetary shipyard. The advertised price, like always, was a damn myth and ended up having to sell the Dauntless to make the difference...than in itself is a damn shame....


But I guess it was her time, the Dauntless served me really well the past few years and took quite a beating, so hopefully they will do something with her worthy of her service history.

I was just telling Trevor that this "Lord" thing is pretty cool, actually. It comes with a nice salary which covers all of my station living expenses and more than enough to screw around. Thats not including the combat bonds and mission rewards I collect on a regular basis.

OH!!! Speaking of which, the Admiral's aid came by while I was at the dockyard to let me know that the 10th went ahead and commissioned a Imp Clipper for me, she wanted me to let them know what I wanted to name it....I was thinking of calling it the Polaris or Verity. I'm not sure yet. But its not an issue, I can always rename it when it gets here.

Anyway, I'm beat so I'm off to eat and hit the rack. Rav OUT!!!

[gets up to stop recording].........Who the hell am I doing these for anyway?....I just realized how weird this whole vid-log thing is when you don't really have an audience...

[clicks off]

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