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Testing My Mettle in Service of the Empire

06 Oct 2020Ravos Longknife

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>>05 October, 3306. 0024 Local.
>>Chris & Sylvia's Paradise Hideout, Eurybia.
>>>>INV-Intrepid-II, [INT-72]

So, an interesting turn of events has lead me here. Not sure where to start, but the easiest explanation is that I was approached by a representative of Princess Aisling's court and offered me a position in her service. But in true Imperial fashion, I need to prove myself, so here I am in the middle of a combat zone trying to prove my worth and loyalty. It seems like they are looking for me to fill an independent role opposed to flying with a squadron, but we will see. Regardless, I count myself lucky to at least have some kind or purpose again. For this assessment, I am to help with something about a bomb maker in the system, I don't know.

On a side note, I made a stop by the Swift Plateau Health Service hospital the other day to see an old friend from the 10th, turns out they all got scattered into the black, she ended up on the wrong end of a Fed Corvette and lost pressure in the bridge of her boat so shes still suffering the affects of oxygen deprivation. I hope she makes a quick recovery...she was a really good pilot and wingman.

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