Logbook entry

Generic Daily Log, I'm tired...

07 Oct 2020Ravos Longknife

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>>06 October, 3306. 0314 Local.
>>Adelman Station, Cubeo.
>>>>INV-Wyvern, [RA-06E]

Well I found myself on the wrong end of a python the other day, which actually put me on the right end of an Imperial Clipper. Aisling's courier found me in Eurybia after turning in a few combat bonds and taking out a local pirate, it was a rather nice surprise plus a handwritten letter notifying me that I've been bumped up to Baron. Now it's just a matter of getting her outfitted, but for what purpose? Shuttling? Bounty hunting? I don't know yet. I mean I certainly have enough credits to buy at least one or two more, but still. Also, I figured that with this new promotion It may be a good idea for me to move closer to civilization and the capitol, at least to stay close to the command structure and the news.

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