Logbook entry

A004: First space-payday, 21,197cr .. & Christening the Sidey..!

03 Jan 2016Acen ONYX
Eravate / Sylvester City

Delivered our Gold payload to the Adle's Armada contact; got 21k for the effort.
Not a bad start! [32% Mostly Penniless]

As promised, ordered Moonstone a sleek new paintjob: BLACK with iceblue shoulder stripes.
Went to the nearest Galactic Co-Op and picked up a cheapish bottle of Buckey's Fizz.
Held a quick "ceremony" inside the docking hangar; took a quick swig, raised the bottle, and said:

"I hereby 'officially' dub thee, Moonstone.  May we enjoy many, many adventures together."

..promptly broke the bottle of Fizz over her nose (to Bless her, of course!) and scampered aboard.

Spotted CMDR Runningman on my sensors while I was contemplating my next move...

Picked up a mission to deliver data to Ekonir...[/color][/color]
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︎1 Shiny!
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