Logbook entry

A005b: Back to Eravate..!! &.. The Galaxy (Map) is HUUUGE

03 Jan 2016Acen ONYX
Back in Eravate / Sylvester City

Well, THAT data isn't being delivered!
I'm FAR too new to this whole space combat malarkey, and I'd prefer not to go out with a bang!
Not just yet; not so soon..

I'd taken some time to "browse" the Galaxy Map, and study -- like, I really spent some time, looking around! -- the regional markets and commodities moving around the sector.

Some people were after some Platinum, but hell if I could locate any nearby..
((Looks like I'll need to research some Other Ways [#3rdPartyTools] of finding such info without taking up so much precious time switching commodity movement lines on & off!!))
I DID discover that Kini was after some Medicine, Clothes, Domestic Appliances ... and Slaves.
Hmm.. not impressed by slavery, tbh..

Somebody asked me to haul a ton of Scrap metal over to Kini; conveniently, then, I filled the rest of my hold with Domestic Appliances, and headed out into the Void once more...
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