Logbook entry

A006: the SpaceTurd at Kini...

03 Jan 2016Acen ONYX
En route to Kini / Kadenyuk Orbital

Leaving Eravate was uneventful.  Gratefully..

Dropping out of Witchspace by Kini's primary, however, I picked up a Pirate.
Don't recall what he was flying.. an Imp Courier?
Well, I'm pretty Harmless, and -- seeing how he was kinda-flying -- I figured he was Mostly the same.

So when that spaceturd decided to open fire on me, on my freshly-RE-painted (post-Ekonir-star-roasting) baby Moonstone, I flicked my trigger to get her 'points out -- easy, tiger! -- pulled her about, and returned the compliment, thanking Sagan that her Pulsers were gimballed!

Admittedly, engaging in My Very First Firefight, my nerves were on edge, adrenaline running hot, and my flight yoke hand was -- inconveniently -- a mite shaky.. but hell if I was gonna let a no-good, two-bit spaceturd spoil my day, over Scrap and white goods!

So, with a little perseverance, I duly committed him to the Vacuum.
"Rest in Pieces," I said into my helmet. You made your bed, spaceturd; now lie in it.
Do you like it?
︎2 Shiny!
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