Logbook entry

New fellows from Fearless Flying Frogs

07 Mar 2021michalpta
Commander Log Entry
(Location: Sirius)

Met those guys in the seriously dangerous zone - reported by the on-board systems as full of pirate activity.

Was having a tough time protecting Sirius System, struggling with deadly Anacondas and their endless shields. Few times escaped with the hull integrity at the life-threating minimum. And then, out of nowhere they dropped from supercruise.

They called themselves Fearless Flying Frogs and offered a helping hand. And they let me join 'em. That was a twist.. I was not alone in the space anymore.
We just jumped, killed for money, and claimed the rewards. We felt strong. Finally - after all those lonely days in the void.

And the next days... who knows what they are going bring....

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︎2 Shiny!
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