Logbook entry

4 frogs in a wing

11 Mar 2021michalpta
Commander Log Entry
(Star-time: 00:00 Galactic Mean Time, Location: Sirius)

It was 2 am in Europe, on Earth, while we met under the burning blue light of Sirius A, just next to the star. 4 commanders from Fearless Flying Frogs winged-up this night, to give some tough pirates a lesson they will never forget. We flew into the Threat 6 zone and put fingers on the triggers. And it all began. Blinding lasers, burning cockpits, COVAS screaming 'heat level critical' and dumb messages from pirates desperately trying to escape in their Condas torn apart by our weapons. There was no mercy,  you had a bounty on your ship, you died seconds after.

What a night!

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