Logbook entry

Medics from Ross 780

28 Mar 2021michalpta
Commander Log Entry
(Location: Ross 780, Emerald Charity Infirmary)

I was on a lonely trip to the engineer camp far at the frontiers of the bubble. I was passing through the Ross 780, when received a desperate call for help from the Medical facility orbiting the main star.

The views were astonishing - it should be a tourist spot not a medical center, that’s for sure. But there was no time for admiring the views. Federation Security Forces were busy confronting with the raging pack of attackers, while in the shade of the planet there was yet another Python sneaking from behind and getting closer and closer to the facility.

I got there right on time, just when the Python started to melt the station walls with its lasers. I almost heard the panicked medical crew escaping through the corridors of the facility, running away from the burning heat of the attacked block.

Luckily I just completed the engineering of my beams, they got the long range modification right on time. I hit the Python hard, my blasts reached him from over 5km and torn down his shields within seconds. But their sick orders were clear, their turrets pointed at me, but the main weapons kept melting the facility. I was seeing hull cracks and fire all around. I had no time. I transferred all power to weapons and risked losing my shield. I hit those terrorists with all I had just to stop this insanity as fast as I could. Those kamikazes were pointing at the facility even while my large multi-cannons were evaporating their hull. It was a race against time - I was desperately trying stop this space tank from killing those innocent people with my shields power set to minimum, while exactly at my six, there was a tough battle going on... I could only hope that the Fed pilots were trained well-enough to keep the other attackers busy.

They were. The attacking pack started to charge their FSDs right after the Python exploded in front of my canopy. The battle was won.
And finally, I could take a look outside and see this...

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︎3 Shiny!
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