Logbook entry

My Imperial Journey

18 Aug 2016PeachSlicesV
Believe it or not, I started out just like you. I was not born an Imperial, I started life as a youngling in LHS 3447 in Federation space. I started out by joining the Pilots Federation, wide eyed at the prospect of the galaxy that was out there.

I wanted to become a bounty hunter and I truly believed back in those days, that is all that I would do.

Soon, through many difficult kills and some easy ones, I earned my first true fighter ship, the Vulture.

Times were hard in Federation space, President Hudson's power was starting to wane when I started out and the bonus was good for a time, until one day, the bounty bonus I had become dependant upon, vanished. My lively hood was gone and I still yearned for more credits, more freedom.

I had heard rumours of the Imperial Cutter and when one docked at Dunyach Enterprise, it did not disappoint, it was more than 10 times the size of my Vulture, it did not look like a warship, but I now know different.

There and then I took it upon myself to pack up shop, sell my Type 6 and my beloved Vulture and travel to a foreign land. I bought a Cobra Mach III, packing on the best fuel scoop I could afford, an extra fuel tank, my first advanced discovery scanner, plenty of food and off I went.

After wandering for a time, I picked a system in Imperial Space and came across Malaikudi to operate from. Upon entering Leopold-Heckman Ring one day, I was greeted by Commander Nathan De Verne, he gave me a quick salute and was on his way. Little did I know who he was that day, he just seemed like anyone else.

As it turns out, I had received a salute from the commander of the most prestigious Imperial Special Operations unit in the galaxy, The 9th Legion.

I now know that, even to a lowly Master pilot, Nathan was showing the respect he shows all of us and above all, keeping to the code that I remain to keep, the unwritten rule.

The rest, as they say, is history, I rose quickly within the 9th Legion, I have an aptitude for trading and I was quickly shown the ropes in real combat. Bounty hunting is nothing compared the combat operations I am frequently called to partake in.

My brethren in the 9th Legion and other Special Operations Units are a great bunch of people from all walks of life and I thoroughly enjoy the banter we share in the pilots lounges that I am privileged to now be a member, and when it comes to combat and tenacity, we are unmatched. You will rarely see us making headlines, or boasting, if fame is something you need, then perhaps becoming an Imperial Citizen is not for you.

I am fortunate enough to know now, what many of you do not know or are unknowingly ignorant of. The Federation is the enemy of mankind. This dark monster has the pride, the bloodlust and the sheer arrogance to ruin everything. Each Imperial Citizen is born to understand this and they have fought to maintain their freedom from these tyrants, I have only learned to do the Emperors will, for this I am truely priveledged.

I will perhaps never hold a seat of power, although my position engenders command and I take my role gladly.

CMDR PeachSlicesV - Operations Office - The 9th Legion, in service of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval
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