Logbook entry

Combat Log 05-01-3302

05 Jan 2016PeachSlicesV
Today was a good day out in the black, the crew got back elated after a major score for our newly found brethren, The 9th Legion.

New orders came in that Shadow President Winters was making a push into a new sector, my orders from the new boss, CMDR Nathan De Verne, were simple, if it isn't Empire drag it down and kill it.

Simple enough I thought, the crew however were on edge, the new Diamondback Explorer hull still had a few kinks in her. We bought "Bumblebee" off some bearded old timer who smelled like he hadn't had a shower in a few months, the ship was worse, a lot worse.

Cassey spent the first day pressure washing it inside and out, she did find a number of extensive charts of some far off arm of the galaxy and I think that made up for all the other crap she found.

In any case, off we went to rendezvous, we were on scout duty, we checked the system in question and waited until the heavy hitters arrived, we checked the ports and watched the nav beacon. I think one of the other CMDRs in Wing thought we were an "All Girl" crew, when he asked if we wanted to watch the sunset with him on one of the planets in system, under the guise of "scouting", better watch these smooth Imperials Cassey.

To say the next few hours were a blood bath would be an understatement. Anyone angling for a fight with the Wing bought the farm. I was attached to CMDR De Verne for a good section of the operation. We tangled with a few other commanders but they all cut and ran. At one point serial inderdictions on one commander lead the enemy to supercruise right into the dock.

Even the cops were trying to have a go after a while, I don't think they give the police very good eye exams in these fledgling systems, as a Cop interdicted down the Corvette in wing. By this time CMDR in question had had enough and blew the cop clean out of the sky, yelling "Federal Pigs!" over comms, a bit much for last rites, but still he asked for it. The wing raked up an impressive 79 kills all told, cops and all.

Needless to say, the whole wing was very pleased with progress and the systematic shutdown of the expansion was a complete success. To top it all the we were bestowed with an Imperial fast track, and a fat stack of cash for a salary if we keep it up, that's a quality merc job right there.

As we returned to dock we nearly got run over in the toaster rack by the T9 with our new weapons systems and my new pilots chair on board. Nearly undone at the last minute before R&R by a freighter, go figure.
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