Logbook entry

Combat Log 10-01-3302

11 Jan 2016PeachSlicesV
The new Clipper that we obtained from Imperial Command has lived up to its reputation. She is called Red October, named after a Nuclear powered submarine that crept up to an Earth super power's largest cities without being detected and conducted missile drills, whilst listening to Rock'N'Roll. Her stealth cababilities are still yeilding dividends, her passive stealth detection range is [Classified]. Active stealth capabilities are [Classified].

The ships AI does have a tendancy to stop and just throttle down between combat sorties and bask in solar radiation from time to time, it's ok, the crew get the sun loungers out and I mix up some cocktails. Very theraputic.

Our crew killed over 134 enemy combatants over the past few days with assists in over 250 enemy combatant kills. We downed 3 enemy commander pilots in confrontations in enemy space. Cassie has request that we kill a Federation Wedding Barge, request pending. The crew and Commander [Classified] downed two Federal Corvettes without difficulty. One corvette simply did not see our attack squad in this thruster baffles.

The new recruits in Shadow Squad are shaping up and turning in, we have had a few flunk out, naturally the induction process is extremely stressful, we have had two awol/no show, one elected to take another tasking within squadrons and Commander [Classified] passed induction and then after docking, promptly passed out in his cockpit in dock. We have a new Trainee, Commander [Classified], who has a promising recommendation on his transfer form.  One pass in four is a little higher than expectations.

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︎2 Shiny!
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