Logbook entry

Meet the Crew - Achenar's Will [W4F-N1Z]

18 Jan 2021Key-Lan

Today was the inauguration of the Achenar's Will, the newest asset of our burgeoning patronage. Our current crew is limited to the essential services for the time being, but we will be expanding this as need be, as the operation expands.

Deck Officer - Eliseo Miller
Serving as deck officer and de-facto captain of the Achenar's Will is a character I met some time back in the shipping lanes of Achenar itself. He's quite the focused and 'down to earth' - if one could say that about a spacer - type of man. This is the sort of job he's done his whole life, and now he's happy to work for our organisation and do his part to bring the people's will to the Empire.

Customs Officer - Hilario Pennington
Often, we have the impression when we land at an Imperial station that we'll either be met by the uptight, inspect everything, type of customs official... or the corrupt slacker. Mr Pennington is neither, he's actually a former merchant that would run all sorts of rare goods. I had the pleasure of coming across this amusing character many a time while on the rare goods trade routes myself. Evidently, he's now registered with Imperial customs and I've hired him onboard to handle all this commodity trade nonsense.

Head of FSD Maintenance - Jayden Fischer
If you see her outside her office, she's likely on her way to the FSD core, or going to her cabin. I wouldn't call her Jayden if I were you, she's quite picky on being called Doctor Fischer... We're childhood friends you see, and like myself she went full academic in her time. The difference is that until I offered her this job, she's been taking on post-doctorate position after post-doctorate position. She's a tad eccentric though, so she figured that a job on the ship - I had to bribe her with some amount of freedom to experiment - would be a better use of her time rather than pursuing the impossible task of being socially acceptable enough for a primary investigator position at the University of Distat.
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