Logbook entry

Meet the Crew (2) - Achenar's Will [W4F-N1Z]

25 Jan 2021Key-Lan
We have expanded the services and hired more crew for the flagship of our patronage. The only services not present are the outfitting station and black market (which we will not be installing at any time).

Head Mechanic - Ana Hammond
This one is an old friend of my crewmate Elin Lowery. As a testament to her skills, she's been through imperial slavery and worked herself out of it to a comfortable gig in a CQC club. You can expect that in such an environment, she's had plenty of experience with the repairs of vessels torn up by the competition. I let her bring on her old crew for this job, I can assure any commander on board that their ship is in good hands.

Fuel Supervisor - Claire Nelson
Claire is Ana's second in command. She's a sort of 'jack-of-all trades' type of worker, working in logistics for a good amount of time will do that to you. It's not just a matter of shuffling something from point A to point B, it's also about containment, how do we store the goods, what's safe handling, and that sort of jazz.

Chief Armourer - Marshall Page
I was quite the pacifist growing up, so I didn't really have many contacts who were so thoroughly invested in weaponry and ammunition. However, one of the friends I've made since leaving my comfortable home on Amenta introduced me to Mr. Page here and has assured me that when it comes to weapons, he's the man.

Office Liaison - Sanford Schmidt
Mr Schmidt is a liaison officer for the Imperial Internal Security service, working in tandem with the Pilot's Federation to ensure bounties and bonds are paid out. I was introduced to him by my good contact Governor Landon May of Lumastya, given how much I helped him expand his influence in Imperial space, he owed me a favour.

Shipyard Manager - Marley McGee
My Cobra Mk.III, the "Estrella", was one of my very first vessels and has a special place in my heart. I travelled far and wide throughout the bubble with it, running rare goods. It was Marley who sold this ship to me, and who has been giving me pointers for all my future vessels. She has this wonderous fascination for ships, I can assure you she will take good care of yours if you leave it on board.

Stellar Cartographer - Rose Simmons
Best for last, Rose is a dear friend of mine. Although I met her no more than a year ago, we've been keeping in close contact. She's a fervent astrophysicist and astrogeologist. She graduated from one of the Capitol's greatest universities for the research of deep space, and so happened to be stationed at Suzuki Terminal when I completed my circumnavigation of the galaxy. All those pages upon pages of data, I don't envy her job, but she appears to be fascinated and continues to work through it today.
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