Logbook entry

CMDR Logs Pre-Logbook

13 Jun 2015Key-Lan
CMDR Log 12.06.3301/46
> Arrived at Crown Ring.
> Encountered "Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat" described as: Enormous animals created from modified genetic material from ancient Earth. Albino form has been encouraged to dominance due to the tenderness of their flesh.
> Loaded a cargo, 3t of Mammoth Meat for 7,614 CR.
> Departing for 71 stop haul, log offline.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/45
> Arrived at Savitskaya Station.
> Unloading crop harvesters for 159,168 CR (31,168 profit).
> Departing for Quechua.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/44
> Arrived at COL 285 Sector LQ-N A36-3
> Advanced scan revealed 12 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/43
> Arrived at Atkov Enterprise.
> Unloading palladium for 919,936 CR (77,568 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 64 units of Crop Harvesters (128,000 CR) for export to Mariyacoch.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/42
> Arrived at 7 Kappa Delphini
> Advanced scan revealed 23 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Unloading tea for 115,008 CR (37,376 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 64t of Palladium (842,368 CR) for export to Ualangur.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/41
> Arrived at Knipling Port.
> Unloading biowaste for 6,336 CR (5,056 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 64t of Tea (77,632 CR) for export to 7 Kappa Delphini.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/40
> Loading a cargo, 64t of Biowaste (1,280 CR) for export to Knipling Port.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/39
> Arrived at Pontes Port.
> Unloading gold for 660,416 CR (65,920 profit).

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/38
> Arrived at Bayley Dock.
> Unloading slave for 39,973 CR.
> Unloading power generators for 38,052 CR (10,143 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 64t of Gold (594,496 CR) for export to Pices.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/37
> Arrived at Al Saud Station.
> Unloading slaves for 86,109 CR.
> Unloading indite for 161,510 CR (29,016 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 1 Slave -illegally- for smuggling to Bayley Dock.
> Loading a cargo, 63 units of Power Generators (27,909 CR), for export to Negidals.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/36
> Arrived at Perry Dock.
> Unloading tea for 100,608 CR (23,232 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 2 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Al Saud Station.
> Loading a cargo, 62t of Indite (132,494 CR) for export to Taunetes
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/35
> Arrived at Pemoten.
> Advanced scan revealed  unexplored astronomical objects.
> Detailed scan of Pemoten star revealed Class M star.
> Detailed scan of Pemoten 1 revealed High Metal Content world.
> Detailed scan of Pemoten 2 revealed Class I Gas Giant.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/34
> Arrived at Alrai Sector IH-M A7-2.
> Advanced scan revealed 3 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Detailed scan of Alrai Sector IH-M A7-2 A revealed Class L star.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/33
> Arrived at Thirsk Station.
> Unloaded marine equipment for 307,136 CR (67,264 profit).
> Loaded a cargo, 64t of Tea (77,376 CR) for export to Pemoten.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 12.06.3301/32
> Arrived at Alrai Sector EB-0 A6-1
> Advanced scan revealed 22 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Detailed scan of Alrai Sector EB-0 A6-1 A revealed a L Class Star.
> Detailed scan of Alrai Sector EB-0 A6-1 1 revealed an Icy World
> Detailed scan of Alrai Sector EB-0 A6-1 2 revealed an Icy World
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/31
> Arrived at Wallace Dock
> Unloaded Aisling Media Materials for 3,500 CR and 35 merits.
> Sold collection of cartographics for 72,276 CR.
> Unloading Karsuki Locusts for 187,913 CR (177,848 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 64 units of Marine Equipment (239,872 CR), for export to 51 Aquilae.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/30
> Arrived at Gutierrez Mines
> Repairing for 1,008 CR.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/29
> Arrived at West Market
> Loading a cargo, 11t of Karsuki Locusts (10,065 CR) for long distance export.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/28
> Arrived at Medupe City
> Unloading animal meat for 3,266 CR (590 profit).
> Unloading coffee for 29,232 CR (5,148 profit).
> Unloading tea for 29,328 CR (5,008 profit).
> Unloading natural fabrics for 10,512 CR (3,492 profit).
> Purchased weaponry modules.
> Collected 1000 CR wage from Aisling Duval.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/27
> Arrived at Chelomey Orbital
> Unloading crop harvesters for 167,424 CR (47,872 profit).
> Sold cartographic information of: Jimtach, Nuxalkuq and Mabozho systems for 131,830 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 2t of Animal Meat (2,676 CR) for export to Medupe City.
> Loading a cargo, 18t of Coffee (24,084 CR) for export to Medupe City.
> Loading a cargo, 16t of Tea (24,320 CR) for export to Medupe City.
> Loading a cargo, 18t of Natural Fabrics (7,020 CR) for export to Medupe City.
> Loading a cargo, 10 units of Aisling Media Materials.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/26
> Arrived at Pittendreigh City
> Unloading personal weapons for 91,440 CR.
> Unloading palladium for 486,744 CR (40,154 profit).
> Purchased new modules.
> Claimed bounty for 3,774 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 64 units of crop harvesters (119,552 CR) for export to Cubeo.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/25
> Arrived at Huang Gun
> Interdicted by wanted Eagle, destroyed for bounty of 3,774 CR.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/24
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 3 revealed: Class I Gas Giant composed of 73.8% Hydrogen and 26.2% Helium, and a surface temperature of 79 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 1 revealed: Gas Giant with water based life composed of 73.7% Hydrogen, 26.2% Helium and 0.1% Oxygen, and a surface temperature of 230 Kelvin. Ring A composed of metallic rock. Ring B composed of rock.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 4 revealed: Icy world (68.6% ice), with a helium atmosphere (90.1% He, 7.6% H, 2.3% Ne), and a surface temperature of 60 Kelvin. Ring A composed of ice.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/23
> Arrival at Beg Port.
> Unloading slaves for 83,743 CR.
> Claiming bounty of 4,979 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 34t of Palladium (446,590 CR) for export to Huang Gun.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/22
> Arrival at Nuxalkuq
> Advanced scan revealed 37 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Interdicted by wanted Adder, destroyed for bounty of 4,979 CR.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq star revealed: Class K Star, age of 1,168 Mil Years with surface temperature of 4,337 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 revealed: Class I Gas Giant composed of 73.8% Hydrogen and 26.2% Helium, and a surface temperature of 100 Kelvin. Ring A composed of rock. Ring B composed of ice.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 A revealed: Icy world (82.5% ice), without atmosphere and a surface temperature of 82 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 B revealed: Icy world (82.5% ice), without atmosphere and a surface temperature of 81 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 C revealed: Icy world (82.5% ice), without atmosphere and a surface temperature of 81 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 D revealed: Icy world (82.5% ice), without atmosphere and a surface temperature of 81 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Nuxalkuq 2 E revealed: Icy world (82.5% ice), without atmosphere and a surface temperature of 81 Kelvin.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/21
> Arrival at Gustafsson Prospect
> Crash at arrival in successful attempt to evade authority's scan, causing 2,795 worth of hull damage.
> Unloading slaves for 193,167 CR.
> Unloading slaves for 44,428 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 2t of Personal Weapons -illegally- for smuggling to Pittendreigh City.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/20
> Arrival at Bohme Terminal
> Unloading combat stabilisers for 30,634 CR.
> Unloading combat stabilisers for 116,901 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 4 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Gustafsson Prospect.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/19
> Arrival at August Von Steinheil Base
> Unloading tea for 57,816 CR (14,148 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 10 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Gustafsson Prospect.
> Loading a cargo, 2 Combat Stabilisers -illegally- for smuggling to Bohme Terminal.
> Loading a cargo, 4 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Beg Port.
> Loading a cargo, 12 Combat Stabilisers -illegally- for smuggling to Bohme Terminal.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/18
> Jump to Jimatch.
> Advanced scan revealed 21 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Detailed scan of Jimatch star revealed: Class T Star, age of 46 Mil Years with surface temperature of 5,399 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Jimatch 1 revealed: Class IV Gas Giant composed of 73.1% Hydrogen and 26.9% Helium, and a surface temperature of 956 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Jimatch 3 revealed: High metal content world (32.6% metal), with an ammonia atmosphere (29.6% NH4, 29.6% N, 28% CH4), and a surface temperature of 506 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Jimatch 2 revealed: Terrestial Water world, with an argon rich atmosphere (98% N, 1.5% Ar, 0.5% CO2), and a surface temperature of 430 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Jimatch 4 revealed: Ammonia world, with an ammonia and oxygen atmosphere (95% N, 4.8% Ar, 0.1% CO2), and a surface temperature of 282 Kelvin.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/17
> Jump to Mabozho.
> Advanced scan revealed 12 unexplored astronomical objects.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho star revealed: Class M Star, age of 646 Mil Years with surface temperature of 3,482 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho 1 revealed: High metal content world (31.7% metal), with an argon rich atmosphere (99% N, 1% Ar), and a surface temperature of 156 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho 3 revealed: High metal content world (32% metal), with a nitrogen atmosphere (99.9% N, 0.1% Ar), and a surface temperature of 123 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho 2 revealed: High metal content world (31.2% metal), with a nitrogen atmosphere (100% N), and a surface temperature of 134 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho 5 revealed: Icy world (68.2% ice), with a methane rich atmosphere (95% N, 3.1% CH4, 0.9% Ar), and a surface temperature of 266 Kelvin.
> Detailed scan of Mabozho 6 revealed: Icy world (68.2% ice), with an argon rich atmosphere (90.9% N, 8.4% Ar, 0.6% Ne), and a surface temperature of 84 Kelvin.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/16
> Arrival at West Market.
> Unloading black boxes for 11,993 CR.
> Claiming bounty for 2,289 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 36t of Tea (43,668 CR), for export to Jimatch.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 11.06.3301/15
> Departing Koolhas Hub on recovery mission.
> Salvaged 3 black boxes.
> Encountered wanted Sidewinder, destroyed for bounty of 2,289 CR.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/14
> Arrival at Koolhas Hub.
> Unloading slaves for 99,963 CR.
> Unloading slaves for 111,070 CR.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/13
> Arrival at Blaauw Dock.
> Unloading slaves for 99,963 CR.
> Departing covertly.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/12
> Arrival at West Market.
> Crash at entrance, caused 3,305 CR worth of damage.
> Unloading personal weapons for 35,792 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 10 Slaves -illegally- for smugglign to Koolhas Hub.
> Departing covertly.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/11
> Arrival at Ikeya Vision
> Unloading battle weapons for 28,124 CR.
> Paid fine of 40,970 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 9 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Koolhas Hub.
> Departing covertly.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/10
> Arrival at Wilson Gateway
> Unloading narcotics for 38,968 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 8t of Personal Weapons -illegally- for smuggling to West Market.
> Loading a cargo, 9 Slaves -illegally- for smuggling to Blaauw Dock.
> Departing covertly - failed, induced 40,970 CR fine.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/9
> Arrival at West Market
> Unloading media materials for 1,000 CR & 10 merits.
> Unloading marine equipment for 102,520 CR (19,976 profit).
> Sold cartographic information of: HR 8769, ICZ XE-Q B5-1, ICZ UJ-Q B5-2, and COL 285 Sector XJ-0 B20-4 systems. Income of 31,557 CR.
> Purchased Asp Explorer, sold Cobra Mk III.
> Purchased modules: Advanced Discovery Scanner (Mk C1), Detailed Surface Scanner (Mk A3), Fuel Scoop (Mk A3); for 2,695,954 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 4t of Battle Weapons -illegally- for smuggling to Ikeya Vision.
> Loading a cargo, 4t of Narcotics -illegally- for smuggling to Wilson Gateway.
> Departing covertly.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/8
> Arrival at Adelman Station.
> Repair & Refuel for 5,462 CR.
> Unloading gold for 363,744 CR (66,976 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 22 units of Marine Equipment (82,544 CR), for export to Karsuki Ti.
> Loading a cargo, 10 units of Aisling Duval Media Materials, for preparation of Karsuki Ti.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/7
> Jump to Cubeo.
> Interdicted on arrival by Sirius Security.
> Shields offline and hull reduced to 64%.
> Escape successful.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/6
> Jump to COL 285 Sector XJ-0 B20-4, system unexplored and uninhabited.
> Detailed scan of COL 285 Sector XJ-0 B20-4 A revealed: Class K Star, age of 806 Mil Years with surface temperature of 3,770 Kelvin.
> Advanced scanner revealed: None.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/5
> Jump to ICZ XE-Q B5-1, system unexplored and uninhabited.
> Detailed scan of ICZ XE-Q B5-1 A revealed: Class M Star, age of 8,256 Mil Years with surface temperature of 2,147 Kelvin.
> Advanced scanner revealed: unexplored Class T Dwarf Star.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/4
> Arriving at Gustav Sporer Platform (HR 8769).
> Unloading imperial slaves for 549,952 CR (36,288 profit).
> Loading a cargo, 32 units of Gold (296,768 CR), for export to Cubeo.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/3
> Watching Gotham while in super cruise.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/2
> Arriving covertly at Leonard Orbital.
> Unloading narcotics for 116,904 CR.
> Loading a cargo, 32 units of Imperial Slaves (513,664 CR) -legally-, for export to HR 8769.
> Departing.

CMDR Log 10.06.3301/1
> Loading a cargo, 12t of Narcotics -illegally- for the Kamocan Crimson Central Network at Gasparis Vision.
> Departing covertly.
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