Logbook entry

Entry 34: Colonia Voyage, Leaving the Lagoon

03 May 2020Worldbuilder92
Current System: Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122
Colonia Voyage, Day 26

The past week has been surprisingly busy for me, despite me planning to take some time to rest and relax before the next leg of the journey.  Some of the Colonia Cmdrs I've spoken with have been kind enough to share some of their telemetry with me, and this has revealed 3 more Bark Mound sites within the Lagoon Nebula!
I took a couple days to start trying to sort through the Bark Mound data we've collected over the course of my travels.  The initial hypothesis I had was that Bark Mounds were a hyper-evolved photosynthetic plantlike life form.  However, cursory analysis of the data is revealing that my hypothesis may not hold up.  I'm gonna wait until our charting and graphing is more complete before making any definitive statements, but for now the data is pointing away from my initial hypothesis; all that's left it seems is to see where it DOES lead.

In other news, I visited a local doctor here; unfortunately, looks like I have gained a bit of weight.  The doc didn't seem too concerned; according to her, with a long journey like I'm undertaking, it's not unheard of to pack on a few pounds from inactivity.  I grabbed some better-fitting clothes as well as some weights to do some basic exercises to help me keep fit.   I figured I could at least try to keep myself active during the long periods inbetween finding stations to rest at.
This sucks... I hate weight worries...

At least I'm on the trail again. The next several weeks are probably going to be a bit more forgiving, as the stars here are a bit more densely-packed together. Next stop is a mere 800LY away. It'll be a few days travel to be sure, but at least it's WAY less than the last one!
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︎3 Shiny!
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