Entry 39: Colonia Voyage, Cleanliness
06 Jun 2020Worldbuilder92
Current System: Skaudai CH-B d14-34Colonia Voyage, Day 59? 60?
Urgh, my head's been killing me lately for some reason... Eden ran some diagnostics, and I don't appear unhealthy. No head injuries. Maybe it's something my body's needing...
I've been doing some major cleaning inside the ship; I've been slacking off lately about putting my stuff back where it's supposed to go. There's clothes all over the floor and couch, most of which no longer fit me properly. The seat cushions are starting to get worn down where I've been sitting, and there's papers and books strewn haphazardly here and there. It's a major mess here... god, when did I become such a slob? Normally I wouldn't mind, but it's been such a long time since I've had a proper, regular cleanup done.
So yes, that's been on my to-do list lately. Tossing out old pizza boxes, cutting down other non-pizza boxes, cleaning and organizing laundry... I'll have to go clothes shopping properly when I get to Colonia, as my pants now cannot be buttoned anymore.
About the only thing worthy of mention is that I have officially reached the halfway mark of my Colonia Voyage now. Only 10,000 more lightyears to travel before I can properly take a break and find a place to set up shop.
This voyage is starting to wear me down...