Logbook entry

First contact

16 Aug 2021Ricza
Location: Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-65
Date: 16-08-3307

The Thargoids, finally I encounter our foe! I have been preparing for this for months now, but how does one prepare for that! I departed from Mithniu this morning, headed for Maia to take delivery of two brand new Xeno Vessels that i had shipped across. Anxious yet excited about the prospect of facing the enemy i had heard so much about.

Chatted to some locals from the Anti-Xeno Initiative who pointed me to Pleiades Sector HR-W d1-65, there I would find some Scouts to get a taste of what these aliens were capable of. Good advice for a novice like myself. So having done my research and having spoken to pilots with some experience, I headed out into the black to scan for NHSS (Nonhuman Signal Sources)

Shit! Dropped out into a Threat 5 only to be met by a Thorgoid Interceptor. My purpose built Anaconda is not equipped to handle this type of threat, quite frankly neither was I at this point. These guys are not to be toyed with unless you are prepared, I tucked tail to get back into super cruise, not so fast, its like trying to jump a Cobra whilst parked next to a Corvette, mass factor was huge. The interceptor, clearly not happy with my presence, attacked. I stood my ground until realizing that my shields were pointless, my AX Turrets were pointless, this whole engagement was pointless, i had to get out! Some light maneuvering and every bit of power to engines i managed to charge the FSD and escape, headed for the closest station to repair a fairly damaged ship. Or so i thought, 3kls out from a local Carrier I receive a distress call from 2 vulture pilots taking fire from 5 Thargoid scouts. I found myself flipping a coin on my vessels condition and human lives but this is what this ship was built for, destroying scouts! My systems and offensive capabilities were still functioning and these guys were in the shit, so once again I faced the enemy

Scratch 1! My first kill! What a feeling! Wow, these guys are fast, aggressive little bastards too. The Anaconda performed beautifully, shred through the scouts like a plasma cutter, shields held up fine. Good thing i took some of those decontamination limpets, not leaving home without those for sure. Get hit with Thargoid juice and you will melt away before reaching your favorite port. Vulture pilots made it out safely, they gtfo`d as soon as I dropped in, I wrote it off as trauma as opposed to cowardice, they were rattled something silly.

I got lucky today, that Interceptor could easily have destroyed me. If not for my old combat days in Pira I don't think id be making a log entry, lesson learnt. Threat level 4 for my Anaconda, while she is in for some repairs ill be testing out my new Alliance Chieftain, far more specced for an Interceptor battle. Lets hope fortune favors the bold tomorrow!

Commander Ricza
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