Logbook entry

Guardian Gifts

31 Aug 2021Ricza
Location: HD 63154
Date: 30-08-3307

Recently came about some information whilst hanging around in the Mithniu dock, overheard two engineers waffling on about Guardian Tech, this peeked my interest and I decided to dig a little deeper. I was utterly amazed at the data I pulled, the history of this ancient humanoid race reads like a fantasy novel, littered with internal conflicts within their clans to a push pull war with the Thargoids, not to mention their proposed demise due to the very technology that I was considering searching for.

Never the less, I decided to take "Hopper V", my J.O.A.T Class Python, not knowing what to expect and what challenges would lie ahead, I felt it safest. This was going to be a tedious trip of 1000Ly with a vessel not built for convenience, so I made the mental decision to take it slow and take in the marvels of the road less travelled.

Our universe is indeed a gem, albeit one with sharp edges that will nick you if not respected, from beautiful double stars, sparkling white dwarves to panicky moments where you hit a run of S-Class stars that do diddly for fueling. I wondered whether this Guardian tech was worth chancing on my own, but hell, why not - I'd been through tougher situations.

A few dozen jumps, scans and fuel scoops later I reached HD 63154, I had stumbled across an old video log by Down to Earth Astronomy referencing the system. Scanned the system and found the reference point, popped over and started my surface scan - There it was, the Guardian site.

What a beaut, standing here for millennia waiting to spill her secrets to those with the knowledge on how to unlock them. What a treasure trove it was, ancient forgotten tech strewn all over the site, from old power cells, components to relics and some artifacts I thought best to be left alone. I was more than surprised to come face to face with some of the remaining security protocols on the site, quite a few in fact - much like the skimmers we see today. They proved to be less aggressive than I initially thought and I was a little shaken when the sentinel launched missile's - thankfully Hopper V's point defense took care of those - amazing that after all this time, this site was still "charged."

As researched, I went over to the "altar" which hummed to life, filling me with excitement and uncertainty but what a marvel this was, interacting with what could easily have been a myth or some old legend. What ensued was nothing short of an adventure, powering up pylons, tackling the site security protocols - which coincidently yielded some handy materials - and taking in the ancient architecture of the Guardians. Once I had restored the power network I went looking for the relic mentioned in the video log, there were a few present, beautiful things made of what I couldn't say. Then making my way back up to the "altar" I fitted said relic into its cavity - done!

The altar spilled its secrets, which I gladly accepted, some blueprints for modules that since the writing of this log I have unlocked. Both my FSD Booster and a Guardian Shield reinforcement upgrade, amazing technology for something so ancient. This has sparked some interest and wonder within me, I plan to continue my research into the Guardians, they fought the same enemy we face and with some efficacy I might add. But perhaps there is some lesson for us to learn from them apart from blue prints and technology, it is fabled that they fell to the very machines they created, are we not on a similar path? So with a modicum of respect I will utilize these gifts and thought provoking fables and I will keep an eye out, part of me hopes they are still out there, somewhere.

Commander Ricza
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