Logbook entry


20 Oct 2021Ricza
Location: Paresa
Date: 20-10-3307

I came across a headline by Galnet yesterday stating that the NMLA was plotting to extinguish the Duval line, reportedly attacking the station city of Dyson! I had once pledged my allegiance to the Duval's and whilst my beliefs have since changed, I found myself enraged at the Neo-Marlinists actions. Lady Astrid, her unborn child and Imperator Hadrian - her husband; seemingly the targets of this attack were unharmed but thousands dead or missing. A Squadron detachment of Skeleton Crew, including our Fleet Admiral Physionator, Commander Henzler and myself departed on the Carrier Nephilim post haste to assist the Rescue ship in its efforts.

The damage upon arrival was horrific, a city in ruin, a people in panic, absolute carnage and mayhem. Nova Imperium, despite their heroic efforts, repeatedly broadcasting for assistance. Assistance my colleagues and I were only too happy to oblige, along with countless other pilots from all corners of the galaxy.

It was only once entering the station that we realized just how dire Dyson City's situation was, millions of citizens frantically trying to escape the flames. Getting to the helpless was not an easy task, the stations interior was littered with debris, systems failing, fuel depots erupting - the heat was unbearable. Navigating the station required every bit of skill, avoiding obstacles and deploying multiple heatsinks before eventually touching down. i must commend FauIcon deLacy on the Anaconda that i purpose built for these operations, my Lifeboat II performed marvelously, despite the odd nudge with the damaged mailslot and various pieces of light debris. She was capable of transporting 184 souls a trip out of what was seemingly a ticking time bomb.

Together, Skeleton crew evacuated over 9000 of Dyson's citizens safely to the Pilots Federation Rescue Ship. Scores of pilots queuing in the joint rescue, some friend, some enemies - it mattered not. Whilst the actions of the NMLA disgust me, my faith in humanity was upheld at seeing the efforts unfold. I wish Dyson City and its people well, I commend the Commanders that answered the call and i congratulate my Squad mates for a job well done.

I believe the ACT have leads to investigate and that Dyson City will be able to rebuild. God Speed and Good luck.

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