Logbook entry

The Visitor - Arrival at Oochorrs CS-F C13-0 imminent

04 Sep 2022Ricza
I decided to attempt an interception of the UIA (Unidentified Interstellar Anomaly) as it passed its first waypoint in human occupied space, specifically to calculate it cruising speed. Cmndr Cunder and Cmdr Xenomorph, whom I had met in Oochorrs UF-J C11-0 had already attempted this but at a range of 1ly, it seemed the UIA had a speed of approx 2500c - strange as projected speeds proffered by those more qualified had been estimated at 5800c. With that in mind we headed to the next system that was theorized to be the objects next heading (Oochorrs CS-F C13-0).

A quick trip back to the bubble was required to outfit some extra fuel tanks and with that done we departed at 12:30 2 - Sep-3308, the goal, cruise in a staggered formation and measure the time taken between the UIA passing us. The voyage was to be long and arduous but we had found great solace in conversing with many of the Cmndrs in system. Cmndrs from all reaches of the galaxy, come to see the UIA that had sparked so much controversy in the past few days. Thought provoking theories and wild speculation were rife, with ideals of the Far Gods, the Stargoid, a Thargoid Mothership and potential reappearance of the Guardians or Constructs to name but a few. Some of the more shaken Cmndrs were merely coming to view the incoming anomaly, as if to verify its existence, before packing up their lives and heading off to the "safety" of Colonia - inciting that we as humanity are doomed.

Today 4-Sep-3308 has been one of concern; I had lost communications with both of my colleagues which remains unchanged at the writing of this log. Deep space felt all the more disconcerting without a wing, the realization that I was 40+ hours from any help was daunting - not to mention that the data we had to set out to obtain was now at risk.

I would later pass the UIA for a second time within a week - it was no less provocative than my first encounter, a part of me looks on in awe but there is that fearful notion scratching in the periphery. What is this damn thing! Where are my wingmen! I have recorded as much data as I could, but sadly my objective can not be reached at this stage, I will document it here in the hopes that my journey could complete or corroborate a data set of another Cmndr in search of answers.

Sytem: Oochorrs CS-F c13-0
Time of interception 13:06 (Game Time)
Date of interception 4 Sep 3308
Distance from main star 11.3ly
Observations: The size of the anomaly remains unchanged at close range. The anomaly begins actively jittering from an estimated range of 1ly. The anomaly "stutters" as it traverses space, it is by no means a smooth pass. The anomaly is not targetable and seems invisible to sensors. The anomaly is audible on the FSS, audible signal remains unchanged regardless of range. The anomaly caused no interference or effect to my vessel, its instrumentation or its speed on passing. Without another vessel to take a second distance reading, speed remains unverified via nearby proximity. - end

Good luck Cmndrs
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