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Tin Foil and Tribulation

07 Sep 2022Ricza
It has been a short time since the Galnet named "Unidentified Flare" was first noticed by explorers in the distant reaches of human occupied space, which has led to the greatest research effort I have yet to witness since my first excursions in 3301, seeing the likes of Cannon, AXI and many endeavoring researches - myself included scratching their heads and looking for answers. I ask myself, what do we know about this unidentified interstellar anomaly? Short of theory crafting I put it to you that we don't know much at all..

What do we know?
We have observed it from various ranges and we know what it looks like, can we assume its genotype/construction or what it represents? Is there any evidence to support it? Again, I think not. I find it interesting that it displays hues that we are familiar with, both very similar to Thargoid and Guardian, similar even to the Proteus wave. Evidence that it is one or the other? Evidence that its neither? Who knows?

We know that it is emitting a signal, pointing ones FSS in its direction from up to and possibly beyond 5000ly yields these results. Can we unequivocally state that this emission matches or emulates any other signal we have documented? Not to my knowledge.

Speed, oh speed. How this has frustrated me. I have spent many hours traversing the systems where the UIA is present, with the simple objective of taking distance readings to compare with fellow commanders, readings from various stages of the anomaly's path. What has this yielded? Apart from perhaps confirming or assisting in the adjustment of other research taking place, nothing ground breaking. It has been disheartening to say the least, this spiraling orb of mystery seems to abide by an equally mysterious set of rules. Speed fluctuations remain at this time, unpredictable. We can however, at this stage, gauge its speed at any given time thanks to some amazing work done by various individuals and teams linked to Cannon Research - having used some of their data to corroborate my own. Are we at a stage where we can predict its arrival at the next theorized waypoint without having to adjust our systems? Not YET.

Why are we seeing degraded emissions and survey caches in systems that the UIA has passed thouh? What does this mean? We've had some theories around carriers or partly being caused by the increased traffic in system, but has this result been seen in any other systems with high traffic? The engineers don't seem to be interested in these, or has it just not blipped on their radars yet? Another loose end.

We know hyperdictions are happening in proximity to this anomaly. What does that tell us? Its definitely Thargoid? Why? Because they are following it? We are following it too, whose to say they don't think its something of our creation and by all accounts it could be. We mucked about with two technologies we know fairly little about and what's worse is we stood around and let it happen by the hands of a mad man. Hell, I myself played a small part in that, defending our megaships. "fighting the good fight" and profiting immensely from it. Greed my friends, it feeds as all, if not in one way, then another. I digress.

Do we know where its heading? That final place, that destination. Well, there has been some interesting research and predictions which I wont mention here. Point of the matter is its coming toward us, be it to our beloved bubble or the site that seemingly set off this chain of events, to early to tell but the fact remains, its getting closer by the second.

I applaud every commander that has spent the time, the effort and the brain power on this strange anomaly and wish you every success in the research taking place. Hopefully we can uncover some of what is currently shrouded in mystery. Much of what i have mentioned here is the result of painstaking observations and deep thought by other commanders sharing their findings, I document it here as to try and wrap my own head around it and in the hopes that it sparks something of interest or hypothesis in others.

My view remains this, as refreshing as the theories are, the Stargoid, the Guargoid, Mothership, the Fargod, the Hive or many dozens of other utterances - assume nothing, explore all avenues and be tireless in your pursuit. All our fates may depend on it, even that of the Thargoids for all we know.

I remain apprehensively, dare I say, excited at this stage and shall, along with many others, continue my observations. I pray our future is one of unity, with our vulnerable shielded and our leaders steadfast.

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