Logbook entry

Commander BigOzzy390 Log

31 Dec 2018BigOzzy390
31 Dec 3304

Log entry 2

As I sit here on the precipice of another new year in this beautiful galaxy I am taking time to recount my first 6 months within the Pilots Federation. My new Years resolution is to leave a record of my exploits throughout the galaxy. God, 3305! where do the years go!?

Picking up from the first log entry I spent the first 4 months running courier missions across pirate infested space from Eravate to GD215. The money was good so I'd have been stupid not to capitalize on the current situation within that route. The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, and before long I had amassed a small fortune. One thing was for sure the modified Ol' Sidey had served me well, but even with my engineering expertise she was becoming too hard to keep space worthy. She had come out of retirement to give me a new lease of life, it was now time for me to let her retire in piece. even to this day she still holds pride of place in my dockyard as a humble reminder of my space faring beginnings, I could never bring myself to scrap her.

It was time I took my hard earned credits and step up my game, I needed a bigger, faster, more capable ship, something that could hold its own in a fight with those pesky pirates. This was a big decision, one I did not take lightly...

What to do!? I thought long and hard about getting a federal ship like the dropship or gunship, this was Federation space after all, parts would be cheap and readily available but the Specs did not look to appealing to me plus I spent many years working for Core Dynamics and I knew how they cut corners. I had heard a rumor that the Alliance of Independent systems had came up with a relatively new ship in partnership with Lakon Spaceways called the Alliance Chieftain. It was a sizable beast with multi-role capability and she could pack a punch with 2 large hardpoints. Best of all she was nimble and could maneuver hard for the size of her. That was it, I had made my decision, all that was left now was the many jumps I had to complete deep into Alliance territory to acquire her. I desperately hoped the Ol'Sidey had one more run in her.

The owld gal didn't let me down and she made the trip (just about) in one piece. I walked into the Lakon dockyards and explained to the helpful young lady behind the service desk my order that had been sent ahead of my long journey, She found my order straight away and I settled the balance on my account. A scratch under 20,000,000Cr. This was all or nothing, my life savings. I felt sick to my stomach my palms were sweaty, what if this didn't work out? what if this ship turned out to be a bag of hammers? Lakon do not have the best rep for well built ships in the galaxy... I swallowed hard and right then the nice young lady then beckoned me over into the hanger to show me around my new purchase. Immediately most of my worries subsided but I still had a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. She was a lot bigger than I had imagined, definitely a big step up from the Ol'Sidey, I made a mental note that i'd have to take it easy for a while till I got used to her. I didn't want to be caught out blocking the 'letterbox'  risking the wrath of the station security services 5 minutes after jumping in her!

Having had the tour I was sufficiently impressed with her, however it was clear that to bring the ship up to potential that a vast array of modifications and upgrades would be needed. That would have to wait I was skint! I signed the last remaining safety paperwork, received the title to her and I was given a complementary bottle of Chateau de Aegaeon for which was smashed it over her bow and I christened her Anubis for her registration was ANU-BI. One last thing to organise; the transfer of my Ol'Sidey back to Eravate, this would cost me a small fortune in itself but you cant put a price on nostalgia right? I said goodbye to the nice young lady, and I closed the Airlock.

I settled into the pilots seat and took in my surroundings this thing was huge! the Ol'Sidey didn't have enough room to swing a cat and stunk to high heaven of all the years of spilt coffee, blood, sweat and tears. I took a deep breath, ahh that new ship smell, what a welcome change! Once I had familiarized myself with the layout I fired her up, wow she felt powerful. Gingerly I opened up the vertical thrusters, raised her landing gear and slowly headed for the letterbox. No pressure, I thought just take your time, do not write this baby off as you have broken your own cardinal sin. Don't fly without being able to afford the insurance costs! That's what that feeling was in the pit of my stomach. I made a mental note to never put myself in this situation again. The nerves were not worth it! I accelerated up to a safe speed and made my last course corrections with my heart in my mouth and one eye shut I punched it through the letterbox, I thought hey if i'm going to go out, I'm going to go out in style. To my surprise I burst out of the letterbox at breakneck speed, wow this thing could shift. Onlookers must have thought look at that idiot showing off! little did they know it was sheer luck and blind faith that got me through. Still i bet it did look good. Safely back out in the vastness of space I plotted my jumps back to Eravate, and kept my fingers crossed nothing untoward would happen on the way..

o7 CMDR BigOzzy390 signing off till next time.
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