Logbook entry

Expedition 1 - Coalsack Expedition

11 Jul 2020BNSF1995
A day after I turned 25 (technically, Suki and I are over a thousand years old, older than even Jacques the Cyborg Bartender, but our cryosleep only felt like a few seconds), we decided the time had come to leave the Bubble and go to far-off places in the galaxy. Thus began our new self-made exploration program called Apollo Redux.

Expedition 1 took us to the Coalsack Nebula (originally, the plan was to go to the Witch Head Nebula, but it was farther than we desired to travel this expedition). The farthest we traveled was one of the Musca Dark Regions (I don't remember which), where we set down on a planet to create a "Soonbase". After a couple of hours of...hanky-panky, if you know what I mean, I gave Suki control of the ship while I went out in the SRV to harvest some materials, including some we never knew existed.

The return trip involved several more landings to collect resources (including Selenium), plus mapping a terraformable planet, before finally arriving back at Abraham Lincoln. A rather profitable trip, I must say. Not only did we collect numerous materials we'll most-likely need to engineer my Fer-De-Lance later on, we also collected data worth roughly 2.5 million credits, which was enough to get me promoted to Pathfinder by the Pilots' Federation.

While scanning the terraformable planet, Suki asked me why we couldn't land. I told her of a plan by the Pilots' Federation I had overheard to fit all civilian ships for atmospheric flight. I believe it was called the Odyssey Initiative...

Regardless, Columbia proved herself today. Expedition 2 will happen whenever I feel like it, but I already know it'll involve going to Colonia.
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