Logbook entry


08 Jan 20165parkyy
Joined up with the crew around 20:00 hours (Earth Time)

Reds was already well on his way to making a killing in the credit stakes. He also just dropped over 3mil on a Keelback to get some sightseeing in.

Sterbe was working the belt around Kremainn 3 mining for whatever he could get but later cashed in on some bounty hunting.

Sam spent the early part of the day in outfitting getting her beloved MKIII Viper worked on. That ship is looking real good now.

As for my day..

I had docked MV at the Wohler Terminal after some intense combat at Kremainn 3 the previous day. Ship was pretty banged up but nothing the Wohler outfitting couldn't sort out for me. They are pricey but they know how to get your ship looking good as new!

Quick refuel and re-supply and it was back to the ring to see what the day was to bring.

Anacondas....that's what the day brought....It was like a convention! Hundreds of millions of credits worth of ships patrolling the ring looking for miners to hassle. Until we arrived that is.

After we destroyed the first 2 or 3 ships. The payouts were way below the average which was unusual for ships of this size but hey, it's money.

I returned back to Wohler to cash in on 400k+ in credits. Not bad for the early shift.
I decided it was time to sharpen the fangs on the viper so I switched out the pulse lasers for a pair of Beams (Not a bad way to spend 1mil) I also decided to thicken up the skin of the ship and swapped out the Lightweight Alloy with some Military Grade Composite. Slows her down a little but she has a little more staying power in a fight now.

During the fighting I tagged a civilian ship in some crossfire with a MKIV Cobra...Instant 200 cred fine and a wanted status in the Kremainn system. It was time to leave.

I headed back to Eravate to go have a look around the nav beacons for any wanted ships but it was pretty slim pickings since the feds had turned up in an Anaconda. Overkill for this area if you ask me.

After finding nothing at the beacon I headed for Cleve Hub to pick up the Aluminum Falcon that had been docked here for repairs. I wanted to take her out for a spin to see how the repairs were coming along and also to let the scarab stretch its legs on the surface for a while. I set a course for Eravate 2 and left the hub.

The speed of the AF made the trip a short one and I was on the surface in no time. After hovering around for a while I spotted a clear spot to land and drop the scarab. A few power slides, a elevated climb and some thruster jumps and it was time to return to the ship.

Arrived back at Cleve and docked the AF. Time to get MV back out for some bounty hunting before settling down for the evening. Especially since the bounty on me in Kremainn had now expired.

Another 300k banked and it was time to head home to Wohler for a hot meal and a cold beer with the crew.

Hopefully a decent nights sleep tonight and back on it tomorrow...

CMDR GamerChr15 signing off......

- - - - - E N D    L O G- - - - -
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