Logbook entry


09 Jan 20165parkyy
What a day...

The day started off well. I managed to get the flight recorder on MV working again so I should be able to start recording my travels...SHOULD....

So I left Wohler around 2200 hours ET to go take a look round the Kremainn 3 ring. We had heard some chatter over the radios that the miners were under attack from a lot of pirates. I winged up with Sam and Sterbe and we headed out (Which reminds me, I need to work on the comms system on the ship. Keeps dropping voice channels...)

Most of the ships issues of late could be attributed to the fact that I've overclocked some of the modules for better recharge times on the engines, systems and weapons. I still get shit scared every time I deploy the weapons and it disables the non-essential modules..

When we arrived at the ring it was pretty quiet, strange since we all heard the radio chatter stating otherwise. Eventually I found a wanted Python, Des Gorman was the pilot and he almost made it out alive. Took a while to get his shields down but the new beam lasers helped speed the process up a little. 119k bounty to start the day! Along came another Python (they are proving really popular with pirates these days. This ship was running with a plasma accelerator, bad news for shields. He took my shields down in 1 shot, in my attempt to get away I collided with 2 asteroids in the belt, taking the hull strength down to 51%. I was in trouble. Along comes another pilot oblivious to my position and smashes right into the side of the ship..  Hull was now at 13% so I had to break off the pursuit.

Back to Wohler for repairs...

As I was on my way back Sterbe got interdicted by an Anaconda which rarely happens to us viper pilots since it's rarely worth their time (As it turned out, he had a bounty on his head, the reasons for which we still don't know)
He got out but barely, so he headed back to Wohler with me for repairs.

At the station I took a trip to outfitting to tweak some of the overclocks. I completely disabled the cargo scoop which gave me an extra 4% to play with. I also decided to add a hull reinforcement package as those last couple of encounters messed the ship up a lot faster than it should have.

Back to the ring to raise some more credits so we can pay for the upgrades..

Another Python popped up on the scanners first, me Sterbe and Sam engaged and took it out. A pretty low 35k pay out for it, luckily another Python appeared. I had a feeling this was going to be a good pay out...41k so it was an improvement.

Sterbe then came over comms to advise of a wanted wing of 3 just arriving at the ring. The feds took out one of them and I engaged a remaining federal dropship whilst Sam went with Sterbe to take out the other. Sterbe sustained heavy damage and had to bug out to allow his shields to recharge.

We spotted a Vulture attacking one of the miners and moved to engage. We took him down pretty quickly for a 32k pay out.

We prepared to head back to Wohler but first we had a wing of 2 to engage. This was my call...it was a bad one. I got lit up and sustained heavy damage and left Sam and Sterbe to take them out whilst I recharged shields. They got the job done and we made 40k, I tried engaging the other but with 11% hull integrity I couldn't finish the job. I bugged out, back to Wohler we went.

After repairs we decided to go for another quick scout at the ring, engaged a wing of 3 including an Anaconda, a DB Scout and an Eagle. It didn't take long with the feds helping us out. Once again I accidentally tagged a civi and gained a 200cr bounty (this is becoming a regular thing for me..)

Back to Eravate to check out the Nav Beacon.

That was the plan at least. Until a MKIV Viper Alliance Enforcer pulled me out of supercruise to try take me out. He was good, but not good enough. By the time I had taken care of the Enforcer, it was safe for me to head back to Wohler, which I did.

Quick repair and back to the ring to regroup with Sam and Sterbe. Unholy had joined us by this point too.

The first ship we engaged was an Anaconda that the feds had been trying to take down. I pretty much dumped every round I had in my multi-cannons into it and still it took very little damage. He had to be running with multiple hull reinforcements on that thing. 133k in the bank from this one and a combat promotion!

Home to celebrate!

A short celebration followed by a trip to another ring for a change of scenery. The A ring was getting busy with friendly pilots.

Sam joined up with me and we started hunting.

The hunt was cut short after Sam accidentally engaged and destroyed a civilian ship..  Oops 6.5k bounty on her head now.

She bugged out and I was left to engage the wanted wing of 2 on my own. It was my decision to engage them in the first place so it's on me. I thought I could take them since it was an ASP Explorer and an Imperial Eagle. I figured I could out manoeuvre them and slowly but surely get the job done..

This didn't go as planned and I very quickly found myself close to having to eject..4% hull integrity close with a cracked canopy. It took me a few tries to get the jump drive to fire up due to the damage. Once it finally fired up, that 4 second countdown felt like days. But I was on my way home to Wohler.

I met up with an old friend CJ whilst I was getting the repairs done. He was talking about a plan to go check out an extraction site out by the Noatiaca system. Rumours of large pay-outs due to the high risk of the area. Not being one to turn down making some money I agreed to come along. By this point Sam had settled down for the night at Cleve Hub and Sterbe, who had suffered a lost ship was taking some downtime at Wohler.

The Noatiaca system was roughly 39ly away from Kremainn but I would have to stop by Cleve myself to pick up my other ship. She's more accustomed to long distance travel. Thankfully the repair work on the ship that had been taking place at Cleve was pretty much completed. Ship looked good as new, I did miss flying the Cobra. Mostly due to the speed.

It was going to take 6 jumps in the AF to make it to Noatiaca, CJ was already there since he was already in a neighbouring system looking for high-tech merchants.

I arrived at Noatiaca and went straight for the nearest hub Haisheng Orbital to refuel and resupply. CJ was circling the station outside.

Onwards to the extraxtion site!

These places scare the shit out of me due to there being no communication with any federal law enforcement ships. You are 100% on your own out here so you need to watch your back.

The first ship we encounter was an Anaconda.. Why would it not be?

After a long struggle with its shields we finally got it down and started chipping away at the hull. Myself and CJ both sustained a heavy amount of damage and at times we considered just getting out of there. Live to fight another day is what they say right?

Patience pays off though and we eventually took the ship down for a 100k bounty. Not quite the riches we had been told of but it wasn't terrible.

This proved to be the last engagement of the day and CJ headed back to HO to dock and rest up. I had to get back to Cleve so I started my 6 jump journey back.

I made it back around 0600hrs ET cashed in my remaining bounty and went straight to the bar.

That's one of the best things about being up here. Never does there come a time that you can't find a bar. The saying "its 5pm somewhere" doesn't really apply when you have no day/night cycle.

Sitting here looking out the window into nothing as I record this log. Things...yeah....things could be worse.

- - - - - E N D    L O G- - - - -
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