Logbook entry


10 Jan 20165parkyy
Had a slow day at Cleve hub cleaning up the ships and tweaking some combat settings. The weapon tracking had been a little slow on my last run. Seems to be ok now. Kept me out of the fight for a day.. Expensive problem to have..

Met up with Iain, Sam and Unholy around 1700hrs ET to go collect some bounty at the usual hunting spot. On my way from Eravate to Kremain I got interdicted by another Sirius Security agent, this is the second time in a few days. He was piloting Viper MKIV so it took me a while to get a lock on him, once I had my sights on him, it didn’t take long. Made a pitiful 200cr for the kill, hardly worth the ammo spent..

Made it to Kremainn soon after to refuel and replenish some of the ammo I had wasted. I had a quick look at the market while I was waiting and noticed that the demand for computer parts was pretty high at Wohler. I had a feeling the costs to buy at Cleve would be pretty low so I took a quick trip back to purchase some. I hopped in the cobra to take advantage of the cargo space. Picked up 16 tons of parts and flew them back to Wohler taking a detour through the Alrai Sector KH-V B2-2. I went this way mostly to test out the new scanners on the ship. Everything seems to be calibrated now.

Arrived back at Wohler to drop of the cargo and made 1200 profit for my troubles. Not much of a gain but it also meant I now had the Cobra with me in Kremainn. Time for some combat trials!

Engaged an Anaconda first of all, followed by a pair of Adders. Soon I had collected a cool 541513cr. Not bad for a day’s work.

Took the ship back to Wohler to cash in and make some further tweaks to the ship. Don’t think I’ll make it back out there today.

Food, beer and sleep I think are in order.

Ready for tomorrow!

- - - - - E N D    L O G- - - - -
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