Cmdr Filyr
Freelancer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette K0-125
Overall assets
ARES Military Logistics
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Personal Logbook. 26.03.3307: It was close Part I

27 Mar 2021Filyr
Another day in the depths, another day to tackle new opportunities.
Received a message from vectar asking me about good opportunities for rare ores. I guess it would be about impressing some woman.
Since I had finished my usual patrol in the Hyperion I wanted to be a good contact, dusted off my somewhat outdated diamondback and hopped in.
At startup, I sent a message to him to find out what system he was in, and quickly got the answer: Deciat. Easy one, two jumps and was there.
Upon entering the system, I immediately saw some red lights on the on-board computer in the corner of my eye, but didn't pay much attention to them because I was scanning for vectar's object of desire on another screen.

Very quickly, I found a suitable planet where he could find some rare ores. According to my scans, this planet even had volcanic activity. Checkpot. We met in supercruise, I flew ahead and headed for our destination. A quick look at the radar, lots of traffic, will be fine.
5 seconds later: Interdiction. Without warning. Quick look at the scanner. A Krait MKII. I yanked on the stick. I was good. The other pilot was better. I fell out of supercruise.
Okay no panic. Maybe just a pirate looking for a quick score. I sent a message through all channels to tell him that my cargo hold and wallet were empty. No reply. Then, shots. I guess he didn't like the fact that I had nothing.

I didn't even try to escape after my shields failed almost immediately. I was able to ignite an escape capsule just in the last moment and saw through the small window how my diamondback went up in flames. The insurance company will probably complain again. Anyway, I had survived.
Quickly, I was brought to the next station, Garay Terminal, by the system's emergency personnel. I barely set foot on this I already received a message from vectar, the pirate had also tried with him. Vectar was a bit luckier than me, escaped and sought protection on the planet.

Now I also knew what the red warning light was that flashed when I entered the system. At the moment there was a lot of pirate activity and pilots with high bounties in the system. I asked a member of the security forces if they needed help, and the hopeless look on his face was answer enough.
I quickly had myself brought back to our base in Kuki An and prepared my corvette Hyperion for the hunt. I also quickly picked up my co-pilot Alessa at the shabbiest bar on Paola and off we went. Since my Hyperion was not intended for larger jumps, the journey took a little longer, but in the meantime I was able to find out the name of the pirate who saw us as easy prey: Brobi.
Was that his first name? Was that a last name? Was this an attempt to imitate artificial names from centuries past? I didn't know. The only thing I knew: the planet, the ship, the name.
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︎4 Shiny!
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