Cmdr Filyr
Freelancer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette K0-125
Overall assets
ARES Military Logistics
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Personal Logbook. 26.03.3307: It was close Part II

28 Mar 2021Filyr
Back in Deciat, the red warning lights flashed again with a very long list of current bounties in the system. No matter. My Hyperion had always served me well since I bought it new at a ship's value in Shinrarta Dezhra. No ship, pirate gang or enemy special forces could put me in serious danger. The shields were powerful. The weapons were optimized. The pilot was motivated.
I flew the usual flight routes, received a few messages from Vectar, who happily reported his findings, and searched for "my" pirate. And found him.
I quickly positioned myself behind him, ready to show him a fireworks display of lasers and projectiles. A little closer. The Interdictor would not have needed much more.
Then it happened, someone tried to pull me out again. Me! In my almighty corvette!
I accepted the interdiction, Alessa immediately sprinted to the fighter control station. I pulled out my weapons and was ready to show my teeth to whoever it was. It was a small band of three ships. Two Fer-de-lance and one Mamba. Nothing that would have frightened me. They started firing, I fired back from all guns. The usual.
Then it happened. My ship's computer suddenly spit out messages I had never seen on it before. Before I even knew what was happening to me, the hit indicators on my shields flashed at almost 360 degrees and melted away.
What? WHAT? How was that possible? No matter, I immediately ignited my shield cell banks. More error messages from my computer. What the hell was going on here? What was happening here?
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︎1 Shiny!
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