Cmdr Filyr
Freelancer / Bounty hunter
Registered ship name
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Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette K0-125
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ARES Military Logistics
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Personal Logbook. 26.03.3307: It was close Part III

29 Mar 2021Filyr
The battle 3 against 1 continued. I still calculated my chances and checked the condition of my target ship. Full shield, not a scratch. WHAT? A quick sideways glance at the pips, all power was on the weapons.
Slowly, I began to realize that this might not be as easy as I thought. Adrenaline shot through my body. It had been a long time since I had been so excited during a fight. I tried some complex evasive maneuvers. But my Corvette could not outmaneuver the two Fer-de-lance. The Mamba kept its distance and fired an impressive amount of plasma projectiles and whatnot in my direction.
My shields were down to a minimum. I could already hear the railguns of the FDLs howling in anticipation of making swiss cheese out of my hull. Another try for the shield cell banks. One, two oh never mind THREE at the same time!
Further back I heard Alessa swear, all two fighters were gone and she had burned herself on the amatures due to the heat development. It had worked, my shields were finally more than just a hint of protection again. And then I did it! I really did it!

I flew away.

I had to get out of here. The ships were chasing me, still trying to fight their way through my shields. Another two banks of shield cells. More heat. Module damage. Nice.
To use my FSD I had to retract my weapons briefly. Further down the ship, I heard the power lines being rerouted and the FSD was now slowly coming back online. I quickly diverted all remaining unused power to the shields and it seemed to be enough.
Then came the message I had been waiting for. FSD ready. I catapulted into supercruise and from there very quickly into the first best system I could find. If they tried to chase me they had to locate two wakes first. I made another jump and waited. Nothing happened. I had escaped. It was close.
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