Logbook entry

Yet Again, Imperial Slaves pay the best

11 Jan 2016Cavan
As Federation pilot, slavery bugs me. It especially bugs me when Zemina has influence over Federal systems. My ire raises to nuclear levels though when in spite of trying my best, selling Imperial Slaves is by far the most profitable activity one can engage in.

Couple of quick notes here:
  • The EDMC is the most effective market tool out there. Eddb, Inara, Thrudds, all of them now use this.
  • My first Logbook discussed the slow uptake of data regarding planetary systems.  I can say that the EDMC has done well with the new data.  There are hiccups, for example INARA reports slavery as illegal in the LFT **** system.  Simply not the case.  Because the system if home to a canonical faction, it overrides the basic economies and control factions.
  • Al that being said the EDMC is a remarkably useful tool.  I've seen how much it helps update planetary locations and as that data is added we are getting much clearer picture of how those locations tie into the overall economy.
So good news on the market data side of things.  The sad part?  I had been running Thorium from a planetary port, and consumer tech back.  Credits per ton?  Right around 2k for the round trip.  I flew one mission that landed me at LFT ****. Let the EDMC do it's thing and *sigh*.  I can buy Imperial Slaves do a one jump loop and make 2.9 credit per ton.

If there is anything more consistently profitable than Imperial Slaves I have yet to find it.

That simply shouldn't be the case.
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