Logbook entry

First contact

30 Aug 2019Falcon15e
Mr. Mercy had been extremely generous and gotten Kaisla a job in the Settlement Administration office. She wasn’t very good at it but working there still gave her something to do when the rest of the settlement students were off for the harvest. She had insisted on helping out neighboring families but Mr. Mercy had insisted she stay away from farm work. He was worried that it might be harder on her emotionally than she anticipated. She faired well in the administration job but it was glaringly apparent on the first day when Lamb stopped in to visit her. A confused look crossed Lamb’s face as Kai looked up as she walked in. Kai had several date stamps around her face. Kai smiled widely and unabashedly. The position also allowed Kaisla to keep any eye on the comings and goings on Cleve and start to carefully watch the transactions of the people that Lambast had outlined for her. Finally, after a late night meeting, Lambast and Kaisla had selected their first target.

Lambast’s father was soon starting get suspicious about the girls’ frequent trips to Cleve. Lambast passed it off as therapy. “We found a theater that Kaisla likes to visit. We go there, catch a show and then come home. It helps take her mind of everything.” That excuse had worked sufficiently enough and now it was time to enact their plan. Their target was one Ayego Amayouta. He was a low level gopher in the Heldren crime organization, the same that they suspected was responsible for the death of her parents.

Ayego wasn’t a particularly opulent man nor was he very well educated. He had barely punched and crawled his way out of his pithy farming back ground on the backs of his fists. He was popular and well known amongst the crime lords because he was quiet and obedient. The only thing that was shorter than his moral fiber was his grasp of any vocabulary.Ayego had gotten in a bit of trouble over the debacle that had happened in the livestock bay nearly a year ago but it was quickly forgotten and he was back out extorting people for money in no time.

Today had been a particularly tough day. He had to pressure an older lady into paying her rent early and although actually brow beating an old woman for her “rent” hadn’t particularly bothered him, it was the arguing itself that had worn him out; she had used a lot of big words.

He settled down into his dingy apartment and poured himself a stiff drink, settling back to see what the latest sports scores were on the feed.

Lambast was securely at the helm of the Adder piloting the two girls to Cleve. Kaisla was in the back of the cramped cockpit trying to fit into a tight looking, revealing top. She finished off the outfit with a hefty slathering of make-up. Then the cherry on top, she slipped several small, stiletto-sharp knives into the top of her tight in a specialty case made just for the thin slivers of metal.

“Okay, I think I’m ready.” Kai says as she poofs her hair.

Lambast turns in her seat, “You look ridiculous. But I think its perfect.”

“Do you think it will work?” Earlier in the day she had gotten a message from Johnston; It was a dossier for Amayouta. The mug shot was pretty clear and the name “Ayego Amayouta” had burned into her brain. Some additional information had been annotated onto the dossier that indicated he was confirmed by eye-witnesses as being the person who had shot her father. Included in the dossier was grainy shots off a holo-vid that looked like the interaction in the stairwell where Kaisla could make out her father and the two men. She swiped to another page and conveniently, Ayego’s patterns were laid out on a system map with a spreadsheet and times ordered in the rows and columns. It showed history of his movements the last 72 hours, 48 hours, 24 hours and lastly, 12 hours. They were all color-coded and specific regions that he visited most frequently were in a different color and reflected on the spreadsheet. Highlighted in red (and the only red on the spreadsheet) was the location and time he got back to his personal apartment. That’s when Kai and Lambast had decided to pay their visit. “Wow,” Kaisla said sitting back in the seat as Cleve got larger in the windscreen. “Whoever provided this intel on Amayouta makes your researching skills look amateur.”

Lamb looks over and then throws her hand up, “Not as amateur as you are sitting in a skirt Kai.”

Kai adjusts uncomfortably attempting to cross her legs. “I don’t understand how other chicks wear this crap. Its impossible not to flash everyone.”

They docked at Cleve with no issues and now Lamb sat looking at Kai, “Are you okay? Think your up to this?” What Lamb had mistaken for doubt was really resolution welling up in Kai. She looked up, “Damn right I am.” Both women stood and made for the ramp. Kai jerked sideways as her ankle gave out in the ridiculously long heels.
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