Logbook entry

PvP - Popped My Cherry

17 Jan 2016Veni Vidi Fugi
So there I was, 2 kills from reviving my Rating 5 in merits in Charunder. Third system tonight I've visited trying to find decent targets to undermine in my undercover FAS.

Had some decent luck just having pulled down a 3 wing of a Keelback and 2 sidewinder Winters couriers, and got back to super cruise.

Targeting around, a Type-7 popped up on screen...."CMDR Scallywag"

Prepped the usual "Glory to the Empire" comms greeting one of the many Empire pilots I had run into, and scanned the target.

Felicia Winter....200Ls away, and I'm already up to speed.

I had only killed one other player before, and that was when I boosted with the same FAS out of a station and killed an innocent Cobra; I regret it to this day.

But here was the enemy, in a system requiring fortification, and one which I was actively undermining. This was my time, this was the moment, but regret still held me back.

As I maneuvered into interdiction position, no more than 75 degrees needed, I comm'd over to my mentor, asking, "I have a hostile type 7 I think is fortifying, should I engage?"


Then amidst the grumbling frustration of choosing utility fittings for his shiny Anaconda, PeachSlicesV responded...."Do it! No text, just kill!"

So it was done.
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︎6 Shiny!
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