Logbook entry

Captain Slog - Ep: 9 - Double Bubble

29 Aug 2016Ade Mason
Captain Slog 2808330220.25

'Double, Bubble Grinding and trouble, laser fire burn and pilot bodies bubble'

Well my take on Earth's historic Macbeth play.. no three witches just now, but a Commander with obvious space sickness..

I need a priest to hear my sins, I've committed several sins, Murder to name but one... well! I was technically paid, so technically they had it coming...
Being a bounty hunter by trade whilst out exploring sadly means accidents tend to happen, out in the black you can get a bit deluded for a while, people get in the way, take something you've said the wrong way, what can I say, I'm only human..

Itchy trigger syndrome has been known to kick in when someone takes exception to me being in their area of space... I don't know, the sight of an Anaconda chasing you down just for the fun I suppose can be a bit daunting and scary if you're flying a little ship!!

Since taking off from Achenar, and mucking about with some engineer updates through Ms Farstar, I decided to take the ship over in the direction of Maia before heading off to the second bubble starting point at Jaques.

Received a Communique from CMDR Braben advising a Mission to the EOL PROU RS-T D3-94 system, something about 'We're here! Come find us!', Sounds like someone playing games or a riddle!, I like Riddle's, but in my state of mind, if an Alien Species makes contact with my ship, I'm likely to shoot first, ask questions later.. I don't like surprises...

Any I moved my ship and am now heading over to the system in question to see what all the fuss is about.
I've been advised also that other CMDR's will be in the area.. so watch what I'm doing, BattleConda FDS Fearless is prepped and ready..

See you on the DARKSIDE!! CMDR Ade Mason out!!

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