Logbook entry

Captain Slog - EP:12 - You saw what??

05 Nov 2016Ade Mason
Captain Slog 0511330214:00

Chief Engineer Scotch has just come tearing into my ready room saying he's seen a ghost!.. or well something! outside the ship staring at him through one of the engineering deck windows.
Not that I'm skeptical or critical of my officers, obviously when he's off duty he's partial to a "wee dram" as he put's it.. but I wouldn't be surprised if he's dozed off after getting a bit bladdered, gone on duty, and bumped his head on the door jam again, and he say's "he knows the this ship like the back of his hand...
With the rumours of Aliens, and the recently found Alien ship in Maia, and whispers about the Mythical Thargoids abound, I feel I must investigate.

I've put the ship on Internal red alert, possible Alien incursion, I suppose its a good way to keep things frosty!!, even if it turns out to be a false alarm and the remnants of a whisky bottle causing the issue, the little practice won't go amiss!
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