Logbook entry

Captain's Slog Part 2 - The search for more Stupidity!

21 Mar 2016Ade Mason
Captain' Slog, oh! here we go again... *note, Send that blasted message to Achenar, pleading with Empress to get all logs, started differently...

So, We've lost Mr Spook, He was hanging (literally, thinks he's bat!! ) around the plasma injectors in engineering, no one has seen him, I've ... requested a search party going bulkhead to bulkhead, to find him, no answer to hails on internal systems.
Chief Engineer Scotch is now nursing a  seriously major hangover, didn't help that when he left the cafe, he walked straight into a door jam, and he say's he knows this ship like the back of his hand...what a do-nut!..
 Checkout has stopped making dinging noises, thankfully, now he's reverted to normal speech, which considering he's Russian can also occasionally prove difficult to understand at times.
Solow has put his trousers back on and put his sword away, said he doesn't know what came over him, I think that's an answer for a different question, but let's not go there, he's back at his post at the Weapons station.
Lieutenant Yoohoo is still babbling about something on the starboard side, Think she see's Thargoids, we know they are out here, but no direct contact has ever been made, think she's a little paranoid, the crew's strange behavior may explain something but Checkout insists there is nothing on Radar, The radar isn't being jammed, there is no evidence of any old earth delicacies stopping the radar from picking anything up in any flavor... especially the so called rasberry..
  Yeoman Randy has tired herself out from all that dancing around, when she settled down and was questioned on her antics, she couldn't explain what made her do it, and on further examination, Dr MacCloin, said she looked very fit, advised that he couldn't find anything else wrong with her..
The mystery of the bizarre stupidity experienced by the crew goes on, as does the search for Mr Spook.
For now I'll sign of this log, and report back when I have further information.
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