Logbook entry

Captain Slog EP: 6, Breakdown!

18 Jul 2016Ade Mason
Captain Slog 1807330216:30

So, The Commercial towing vehicle FDS Nostril has just landed next to us on this strange new world, 'Acheron' according to the Galactic Map references.
To put you in the picture, all that rubbing a polishing by Lt Randy in my last report put my concentration off, we ended up bumping the ship into the outskirts of an asteroid field.
A little damage on the port side thrusters, but nothing major, just enough to cause landing especially in a high G system a bit hairy!!

The First Officer a Lt Ripper, caused a bit of a stir when she came aboard to inspect the damage internally, rather feisty young lady, a bit of attitude and swagger, carries a rather large pulse/grenade launching rifle about with her, and as a back up, carries an over shoulder flame thrower, who knows why she needs that, and why a Commercial Towing and Salvage ship's member of crew needs such weaponry is a mystery in itself.. but I ain't going to argue.

Lt Ripper has been escorted down to engineering to inspect the internal damage and estimate time to fix so we can both get off this rock..

Meanwhile the onboard surface scanner has picked up an intermittent signal emanating from a northerly position from where we set down.
Discussing this with First Officer Spook, he wants us to set out in the SRV to investigate.. I'm understandably nervous about this as I'd prefer to get the ship fixed, take off and do an area sweep from above the signal to determine its threat level.
Mr Spook has reminded me that, we are not going anywhere fast at the moment and the signal appears to be deteriorating, albeit very slowly, He believes we'd be better served rigging the SRV with full weapons and scanning equipment, along with a scoop in case we need to pick anything up whilst we're out there, it could be an escape pod, a downed ship, or something far more sinister, having said that Mr Spook isn't easily umm... spooked, for want of a better word.

I've decided Mr Spook can take an away party out in the SRV, but to report back as soon as the signal has been identified and not to do anything until I've been contacted, I'll stay aboard with little Miss Feisty Lt Ripper and get to know her a bit better.
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︎2 Shiny!
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