Logbook entry

Captain Slog - Ep:7 - Fixed

06 Aug 2016Ade Mason
Captain Slog 0608330210.00

Lt Feisty aka Lt Ripper has assigned a work crew to fix the internal and external thruster issues, hopefully we'll be off this rock as soon as possible, Her crew of two  namely Parper and Britt are working closely with Chief Engineer Scotch to get us fixed up.

Mr Spook and his away team are out in the SRV's heading toward an intermittent beacon.
Hopefully reporting back soon, The last comms from them we received at 10:25 advised that they were taking a spiral track around what appeared to be a crashed spaceship, on a seven zero niner!, whatever that means, he could have just said they were going around to check it before heading in!!, I don't know, the need to complicate things is a bit nuts!!, anyway, we'll hear from them in due course..

11:15: The Captain of the Nostril has just called in, a CMDR Detroit, seems a reasonable man, checking in on his crew and seeing how we are doing.
He said his onboard computer 'Mutter' I think he called it, was commenting on the intermittent signal, advising that it doesn't have enough data to present conclusive description of what it is, but does advise caution, as it maybe a 'warning'.
Advised Cmdr Detroit that I have noted the information and thanked him for letting me know, I will contact my team on the ground and give them a heads up.
He mentioned that he and two members of his crew were going to head out to the site themselves when my team had returned, I advised our teams could meet up if required on a joint venture if need be, he said he'd get back to me on that as they have had a discussion about salvage rights and remunerations, I left him to sort that out as we were not to get involved in other crew funding.
I thanked him again for his assistance and signed off wishing him good luck with his venture.

13:55: Outbound comms to SRV, : Result: **STATIC**

14:20: Just received a communication from the SRV, they're enroute back as visibility around the crash site was too poor to be safe, this also hampered their communications, they will attempt in the morning if required. I've let Mr Spook know that Cmdr Detroit and two members of his crew were heading out to the site when he returned, he advised for them not to make the trip, I said I would pass on his concerns, ETA for his arrival onboard in 10 minutes.

14:25: Contact Cmdr Detroit about Mr Spooks advice, he's confirmed they need to go otherwise it's a loss of credits, I've advised him to remain cautious, I've also advised him that the restoration of our thrusters is almost complete, Lt Ripper and crew will be returning to his ship within the hour.
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