Cmdr Vizio Raceio
Thargoid hunter / Freelancer
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Anaconda HJF-01
Overall assets
Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

Memoirs of an old fighter -Log #3-

02 Mar 2019Vizio Raceio
As much as I love recalling all my old memories, sometimes you just cannot recall them all. However, writing out these logs have helped keep my mind active. So I will keep trying.

It turns out that even though I adored my Clipper, I fell in love with my Python. Her name was Spira, never failed me. Only I failed her with bad calls as I bit off more I could chew at certain times. One such time was my first Xeno encounter.

I have heard the term "Genocidal Space Flower" many times, and yet you don't really fathom the gravity of that term until you look one of these things in the eye. And what did my stubborn brain decide to do with my group of fighters? Fire a missile at it. And many bullets, and my ship, and all of my curses. But alas, none of us had any ghoram idea on what we were doing and we failed miserably in trying to kill it. So I took a different approach to the entire incursion crisis and decided to start evacuation attempts.

Too many souls, not enough space. Trying to maintain of your ship, especially a truck of a ship like the Python, while explosions violently force you into the starport walls, well I became in-touch with myself for a few seconds each time as I tried to not hit other ships trying to do the same thing I was doing. It was not fun..... But we saved lives, hundreds of lives. Just wished they would have stopped complaining about getting out of there. You would think they would be thankful, greatful, ecstatic, even just pleasantly surprised. Instead they tried to storm my bridge multiple times just to force me to go faster. It was a very harrowing experience to say the least.

Now that I think about it, a lot of my travels was just that, long distances with not much eventful occurrences within those timeframes. I honestly thought I had more stories to tell up until I get to the more recent events leading to my first log.

Well, let us start with a more recent event.

Not long ago I was reading through GalNet as I was making my usual 6 million credit cargo run in-system when I caught wind of a mining rush happening not far from where Can Qing was. So I decided to go and see what all of the hype was about. The mineral in question was a rare item call a Void Opal. So I decided to harvest a few of them at a system I caught from a passing trader. I figured they were only worth about 300k in credits a ton and would make a pretty penny..... How wrong I was. I found out quite nicely that they were worth around 1.6 million per ton. I did not know about this at the time (probably due to my failure of a reader of the fine print within the news), but I figured having about 50 tons or so would net me maybe 40 million in credits, only to be surprised with nearly 300 million in credits and a wonder as to whether or not I was dreaming. So what did I decide to do?

I made the unfortunate mistake of selling my Python (Spira) and my Clipper (Eva) to purchase an Anaconda. But not just purchase it, I outfitted it to the brim with turrets, grade A everything I could get my hands on, even a Prismatic Shield because a big ship needs a big shield. It took me a day to figure out a good name for her, but I settled on Megalith. Why? The turrets and the build of the Anaconda reminded me of an ancient ballistic missile installation that was constructed on an Earth-like world long ago as an anti-meteor defense structure. I felt it was fitting.

Ah, this brings back a fond memory. Reason being is that this was also around the same time I was able to register my group into a smalltime squadron. I decided to name the squadron after my old squad in the Militia (may you all rest in peace, brothers), Heaven's Wrath. Although I chose to change Wrath to Judgment, for I felt no reason to dispense wrath upon people, but judgment against those who choose to become an... issue, so to speak. Even more so, another memory that rose up was that this was the same time that I came across a Commander named Troy.

But I will cut it off for this log. I forgot to eat within the last 12 hours due to an experiment I have been performing. I should eat, but will eat when I wake up.
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