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A Fed, an Imp and space cow came into a bar...

19 Oct 2020Geralt DeWitt
Hey Ed, I have some jokes for you...

I checked out a book on anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.

How many Fed ships does it take to change a light bulb? None. Fed craft don’t last as long as light bulbs.

Orion’s Belt is a huge waist of space.

I’m addicted to space jokes, but someday I’ll over-comet.

What do astronauts listen to on the radio? Nep-tunes.

What will they call the first interstellar currency? Starbucks.

What does an Imp do after getting insulted. He stabs back.

What did the astronaut do after he crashed into the moon? He Apollo-gized.

Why did the restaurant on the moon fail? It had no atmosphere.

What do you say to a three-headed alien? Hello. Hello. Hello.

Where do you find the most felines in space? In the catmosphere.

Why did Neptune break up with Uranus? They wanted a Plutonic relationship.

Why did the star go to school? To get brighter.

Why didn’t the sun go to college? It already has a million degrees.

Hey baby, are you the vacuum of space? Because you take my breath away.

Are we on Venus, or are you just super hot?

See you space...
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