Logbook entry

My Longest Trek

Commander's Log 13th of January 3305.

Currently en route to Pyramio GO-K C24-8 to take a Zenaida Vinson to Cerberus. This will mark my longest voyage in a single direction to date and the closest I have been to the Galactic Central Point. Passenger is patient and knows this will be a long one. Payout is nearing 20 Million Credits, so no complaints here. There will also be plenty of opportunities to mark new systems on my chart. With all the current commanders out there, I doubt I'll find any new ones, but that's what I said when I was on an earlier Guardian Hunt... We'll see.

I may need to get up and stretch every couple thousand lightyears...

---Supplementary Entry

After nearly 150 jumps, we're into the Drojaea Sector. I decided to give Penelope a rest. I shared a meal and a few stories with my guests (the places they've been!) and did some "housework" as I've been calling it. [I really need to find a new fix for these Yaw Thrusters..] We have 200 more jumps until we reach our destination not to mention the return trip. With most commanders out on expeditions, the black seems even more lonely. I'm glad to have company aboard for this trip.

---Supplementary Entry

After another 100 jumps, we have entered Thaileia. We are nearing the last leg of the approach, but I feel the drag of exhaustion. It's time for another meal and some sleep before we finish the next 100 jumps. Looking back on the trip up until now, it's mind-boggling how far we've come in such a short time. Makes one think to the historical logs when humans couldn't make it to the next planet, let alone another star...

---Supplementary Entry

14th of January 3305

That's it. These damned thrusters have troubled me enough. We're stopping for repairs... luckily one of the members of their expedition has some training in thruster builds. We'll spend the day rewiring and reprogramming the system. Hopefully this doesn't roll over into tomorrow. I don't want to spend my birthday running diagnostics...

---Supplementary Entry

15 of January 3305

Happy Birthday To Me!

Thanks to the wonderful brain of Prentiss, Penelope is under control and actually even more responsive. I may take their modifications and apply them to Persephone when we get back to Cubeo. As for now, we're underway and only a short 30 hops from our destination. Today is a good day.

I'm missing my family as I've spent most of my birthdays with them, but Zenaida and company have been wonderful surrogates. I'll have to get together with Paige and everyone when we return.

---Supplementary Entry

Mission Accomplished. 308 jumps back home.

---Supplementary Entry

17th of January 3305

Finally made it back to Chelomy Orbital with our passengers and ship intact! Payout for safe passage was 17 million credits! On top of that I turned in FORTY SIX new discovered systems. I made another nearly double what the mission paid! I should do these more often! Except now I need a looooong rest.

This is Commander Scott T. Hudson-Pace, signing off.
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